
Who is Raymond Weber?

Raymond Weber

Raymond Weber
BirthdayTuesday, August 24, 1971
Member SinceTuesday, December 30, 2003
Last ActivityFriday, March 29, 2013
LocationIdaho Falls, Idaho, United States United States
About Me
About Me
A bit about me, huh? Well, I was born in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, but was raised for nearly half my life in small towns throughout Northern Alberta. There is not really all that much to say about my life prior to my twenties. I served for a short period of time with the Canadian Military until a knee injury ended that. As you can see from my profile, I enjoy a wide variety of activities, though one of my favorite is in conducting family history research. I have also been passively self-employed for several years, never quite finding enough time or money to take my business role from passive to active, though I hope to rectify this situation soon. Another of my hopes and dreams is to be able to return to school once my wife has graduated from her masters program. Initially, I plan to obtain a BSN degree to become a registered nurse. I then hope to advance my training to become an X-Ray/CT/MRI technician. My ultimate goal, however, is to become a Naturopathic Doctor, or, in other words, a Doctor of Natural Medicine. Be sure to check out my brief time-line of recent events below. I am very happily married to a lady from the Czech Republic whom I met online, but who is currently studying here in the United States, hence my reason for being also in the US. We have now been married for a little over three and a half years and I must say that that I would not trade this experience for anything. We have had the opportunity to go back to the Czech Republic twice since we have been married. It is a beautiful country and one that I would highly recommend anyone to visit, though once you get outside of Prague, be sure to have a translator if you are not well versed is Czech. I love being able to help people in whatever ways that I can, whether it be working with them to help them achieve success or giving some helpful advice or even just listening. I firmly feel that one can never have too many friends. I am thankful for all the friends that I have made here on AdlandPro and hope to be able to meet and make many more friends. Have you ever heard the saying, "You get out of life what you give to life."? Life is about serving those around us, giving of our time, talents, knowledge, and money, if necessary, to those in need. Life is about seeing the good in everyone you meet. If you live your life only to see how much YOU can get out of life, you will miss many wonderful opportunities to know what joy and happiness comes from giving. Such is the same, or should be the same, in the business world. Often, we go into business for ourselves to see what we can get, or, more specifically, how much WE can make for ourselves. However, I have found that greater success, and satisfaction, comes to those who care more about helping others succeed. Therein, to me, lies the true nature of success. Very similar to the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. So this challenge I lay before you: Smile to a complete stranger... forgive those whom have offended and request forgiveness from those whom you have offended... invite your neighbor for dinner. Whatever it is, strive always to let anyone and everyone around you, whether they be family, friends or complete strangers know that you care about them. What comes around, goes around. A true winner never wins alone... Recent event timeline: May 2006 Married Michaela Vankova Jun 2006 First visit to the Czech Republic Aug 2006 Returned from Czech Republic Moved to Rexburg, Idaho, United States Apr 2008 Second visit to the Czech Republic Dec 2008 My wife gradated from BYU-I My mother-in-law passed away on New Year's Eve at the age of 56 Apr 2009 My wife is accepted to the Masters of Accountancy program at the University of Idaho Jun 2009 Moved from Rexburg, Idaho to Moscow, Idaho
My Interests
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Marilyn L Martin - (8/26/2008 5:52:55 PM) : HI Raymond,

I am giving you a rating of "10" because I believe you deserve that and more. I read Raymond's "About Me" page and I learned what a truly wonderful person he is. He is a very caring and giving person, and we need more people like him in this world. Keep up the great job!

God Bless You,

Marilyn Martin
Ray Ramos - (7/11/2008 11:29:18 AM) : Best Wishes and Success for the rest of 2008.
Joelees Wholesale - (6/13/2007 11:21:33 PM) : Hi Raymond,
Thank you for accepting my invite :-) I'm honored be to a member of your adland family. Gods speed my new friend :-) Lee
