
Who is Fred Clement?

Fred Clement

Fred Clement
BirthdayFriday, November 17, 1939
Member SinceSaturday, October 11, 2003
Last ActivityMonday, May 12, 2008
LocationLa Mesa, California, United States United States
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About Me
About Me
I lived my life hard and fast for many years working in the oil field. My family was with me part time but most of the time in a different country. Looking back on what I have done with my life seems to be a blur. I seem to have woke up and realized that I had grand children. What happened to my boys? They turned into fine young men; thanks to Freida, my wife of 50 years! My grandchildren have turned into fine young men and women! Now I am watching my great grandchildren carve out their lives.My message to you is this: slow down and smell the roses. Thank God for every heart beat and every breath for they too are numbered.
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Cheryl Maples - (11/17/2010 4:59:56 AM) : Happy Birthday, Fred! Have a great day! Cheryl
Linda Harvey - (3/30/2010 5:51:26 PM) : We are Welcoming Doug Wells to MY HARVEST AMERICA ! Join our TEAM with your Friend Doug ! Save an average of 25% on your groceries folks. Join our Team and I will help you build your Team ! ~ My Harvest America saves money, time on your grocery/household budget and I love the convenience of delivery to your door by FedEx On the average
Jack Sunshine - (2/27/2010 6:03:40 PM) : FRED let 2010 be better then all the rest. Sunshine Jewelry can offer you a way to make good money showing our jewelry catalog book Many of our distributors are making good money from Home and you can do the same you can make it Full Time or Part Time just call us and mention ADLAND to receive a FREE CATALOG call 1-800-767-4469
Jan (aka) Jaz Green - (11/16/2009 4:01:35 PM) : Happy Birthday Fred
Thadd Edah - (9/13/2009 12:55:23 AM) : Hello
Milton Dorey - (3/30/2009 8:59:04 AM) : Welcome Fred and Freida and welcome from the north
One would assume that from Texas you are either in the oil business or a rancher, but maybe not, you look great and are about my age, a bit younger,
If you have a few minuets I would like to introduce you to the product which I have found so important, no sales pitch, I am a senior and like most people in my age group we are looking for wellness products, But this is not only for seniors but for people with weight problems and many young aspiring athletes.
My name is Milton Dorey and I represent called MAX International. We are a health and wellness company based In Salt Lake City, Utah. We are owned by 3 separate Billionaires, We market a truly medical breakthrough product, with a great compensation plan, and a wonderful opportunity to help someone you feel dear too,
If this is of interest to you, please take 30 minuets and look at this site and and the company presentation. Then please call or email me at or 902-624-9261, Listen at calls Monday to Thursday nightly at 9:00 Eastern time 218-486-1300 code 437054
Wishing you much success, Milton
Valinda Behrens - (4/3/2008 5:35:24 AM) : I love Your profile because it is so very true. In my life I worked all the time trying to make ends meet. I had 4 children, 1 girl and 3 boys. I tried to give them everything I didn't have as a child. My kids also turned out to be great adults. But I now wish I would havE been home more to watch them grow up. I did miss a lot.
Chris Swafford - (3/13/2008 7:56:49 PM) : VERY WELL LAID OUT DESCRIPTION
Ray Ramos - (12/2/2007 2:26:22 PM) : *****Great Electronic Gadgets 2007*****

Thank You

Carroll Wineman - (11/30/2007 2:19:25 AM) : Greetings Fred,

I have to share this income opportunity with you because a lot of people are making money in their sleep. Are you next? Watch the Global Domains International flash presentation at If you have any questions call Carroll Wineman at 815-459-1270 or e-mail me at Also, would you be willing to try the 7 day FREE trial at no risk to you?

Carroll Lee Wineman


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