
Who is John Mcgill?

John Mcgill

John Mcgill
Member SinceSunday, August 10, 2003
Last ActivityTuesday, November 16, 2010
About Me
About Me
Hi Everyone, My name is John. I live in Scotland in the U.K. I stay in a Town called Bathgate, which is about 30-40 Minutes drive from Edinburgh which is the Capital of Scotland. I am Affiliated to 3 or 4 Programs. My main 2 earners are my Jewellery Online Store & my mobile phone site: I can be somewhat busy at times and when other Members ask me to join them as Friends, I just do not have time. So I would like to Apologise to anyone who has, or who in the future asked me to be their Friend. As you maybe know, I never join a Program that you have to Pay any Money to join, I do not believe in being ripped off. Why should Affiliates pay to Promote a Companies Product? They make enough Profits from Our Efforts. Anyway enough talk about Work. Best Regards. John.
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