
Who is Mark Fortier?

Mark Fortier

Mark Fortier
BirthdayWednesday, December 29, 1954
Member SinceWednesday, July 9, 2003
Last ActivityWednesday, October 20, 2010
LocationLancaster, South Carolina, United States United States
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About Me
About Me

Becoming an Entrepreneur watching Dad being in Amway in the 70's I quickly understood the power of multi-level-marketing.

Born in 1954 into our wonderful World in Texas. Joined the Navy in 1972 and went into the power plant field. After the Navy in 1976, I went into construction of Power Plants and then other Plants until 1989.

Since 1989, I have been in one business or another in which either required quotas or sales of products people did not need which of course, resulted in high attrition rates. I discovered after wasting many years, "consumable products will never provide anyone a true lifetime of residual income.."

"Non-consumable services...will!"

All during this time, I was still in the rat race commuting to a job.

In the very same fashion and concept that Bill Gates created "affordable access to the internet, in which many told him it would never work, we have done and will continue to grow with the same concept into the "healthcare access affordable to all."

If you are looking for security, freedom and the time to spend it, then you know what they say about timing.

People need it. They save thousands of dollars a year.

I am always seeking people who want change. You must have the courage for success and a 2 year commitment to the business to succeed.

And You will!

"QUOTEs" From "Your Business At Home" magazine August 2006 in which we were featured cover-to-cover by independent sources.

~By Shelby Skrhak

"In Sickness and in Health"

"Health care now accounts for a larger share of the economy than food, education or national defense. We are spending more on high blood pressure than on high school education."

"Health care is a $2 trillion industry and, by the end of the decade, is expected to double. Managed care was supposed to curb those costs by letting insurance companies negotiate their prices. But because it did not work, the public rejected the model and health care fell a few more notches. Now there's a concept called Consumer-Driven Health care on the horizon which promises to tame healthcare costs. Why could it work? Because it puts the consumer in charge"

Page 19:(same article, excellent info in the article, yet to much to send at once, request a copy if you wish)

Hope For Health Care

Consumer Driven Health care is the future of the industry. Employers across the country are considering new insurance-plan design and delivery models, some of which were non-existent 2 years ago. As many as 35 per-cent of the companies said they were interested in consumer-driven healthcare plans.
It's a cliche', but the future is now. The movement that will overtake the healthcare industry is gaining momentum. It's up to you to decide when you'll hop aboard." It has hit a total as of Jan 2008, 17% of our entire economy and economy immune!!
=========end quote==========

It is not about us, it is not about you. It is all about we!

Is your healthcare plan sending you checks every week?

Are you still being paid today for simple tasks you did 3 years ago...and since?

If not, then you want to get in at the top today.

The income is great, yet the outcome is wonderful!

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Kathy Hamilton - (5/2/2006 12:20:15 PM) : Hello Sir,
Welcome to Adlandpro the seven wonders of the world, very nice to meet you,great site but for me personally I love the social side of what I do,best wishes to you,also when I find someone who wants to make 50k I will letyou know!!!Of course this is a joke im smiling,lets chat and be friends,get ahold of me!!Glad your here,kathy
Mark Fortier - (5/2/2006 12:20:15 PM) : Thank You Kathy..

Of course we can & will be friends.

Please allow me to show you why I only stated 50k as we have over 350 of us over 100k which is rare in the networking industry...unless you were on top of the major shift that makes big oil seem trivial.
The extinction of hmos is on-going right now, as they have indeed failed all of us. And instead, drove healthcare costs to where they are today.

We have taken all benefits, placed them on one plate, removed the deductibles and limits and age limits and currently generating over $25 million per month in the USA only.

Pretty cool when 64% of this is paid to us...monthly.

It is even cooler when we are still being paid today for tasks we did in 2003...and since.

Q. "Mark, how much did you make in your first month?"

A. "I don't know, I am still being paid on it."

"There exists ample room for 1000 more companies to meet the demand." Paul Zane Pilzer/Economist

Seattle is a very neat town and we have two very close friends there, Jud and Carole. Jud is also a biz partner, Carole a friend since 1998.

Imagine Kathy, that you had a chance to create a grwoing willable income to your family? A legacy that is willable 3 generations deep in your family?

Healthcare included to them and for them, at no cost to you?

Can you imagine ?

Your Friend,

By caring about people, the money will chase you down.
Shirley Billingsley - (10/25/2005 11:47:28 AM) : Nice site..


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