
Who is Floyd Jackson III?

Floyd Jackson III

Floyd Jackson III
BirthdaySunday, November 10, 1963
Member SinceMonday, July 7, 2003
Last ActivityFriday, October 4, 2013
LocationDemopolis, Alabama, United States United States
About Me
About Me
I haven't written anything about myself yet.
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Ralph White - (9/22/2013 9:44:52 AM) : ”The two most powerful warriors are patience and time.” so remember: great achievements take time, there is no overnight success. – Leo Tolstoy
Rocky Pacley - (1/4/2008 1:16:05 AM) : Let's be friends at APC!
Joelees Wholesale - (8/11/2007 7:17:29 PM) : Hi Floyd,
Thank you for accepting my invite :-) I'm honored be to a member of your adland family. Gods speed my new friend :-) Lee
Floyd Jackson III - (8/11/2007 7:17:29 PM) : Thank you Lee, for offering to become my friend and for the positive feedback. Although the honor is all mine. Gods speed to as well my new friend. If there is anything that I can do to assist in any way, feel free to contact me.



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