
Who is Roslyn Green?

Roslyn Green

Roslyn Green
BirthdayMonday, November 11, 1963
Member SinceFriday, April 18, 2003
Last ActivityMonday, November 3, 2008
Locationkingston 11, Kingston And St. Andrew, Jamaica Jamaica
About Me
About Me

I am a Jamaican. I live in the capital Kingston. I have my own business for the last five years as a Goodyear Dealer in St. Thomas, Jamaica. I am a newbie on the internet. I am trying to learn what I can about Internet Marketing which is quite a challenge sifting through all the blur to get to the real genuine article. However, I have never given up on a challenge before. I am  proud to be a member of the Adlandpro community.

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Florence Baribeau - (10/17/2005 11:28:14 PM) : Very friendly nice to communicate with!
Roslyn Green - (10/17/2005 11:28:14 PM) : I am just finding my way around the Adlandpro Community, but persons like Florence makes it all worthwhile. I find her to be very forthright and honest. I consider it a priviledge to be your friend Florence. I would also rate you 10 out of 10



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