
Who is Armando Ortiz?

Armando Ortiz

Armando Ortiz
BirthdayTuesday, February 26, 1952
Member SinceSunday, October 6, 2002
Last ActivityThursday, February 1, 2007
LocationCibolo, Texas, United States United States
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About Me
About Me


I am a Retired U S Marine. I gave my country 22 1/2 years of faithful service. I am married to my beautiful wife Sylvia. We have 4 grown up children and 7 grand children. I love web design and the Internet. I love to create. I am also employed by the U S Air Force at Randolph AFB. I am a logistics database keeper that is reffered to Records Maintenance Tech. 

I would like to personally invite everyone to view my business web site  

What is making money on the side at:  This site makes me the money I need to market and keep my business running. It also give many perks for traffic generation. All self sustained. Just take a look and you will see what I talking about. 

Enough on that. I am also building web sites for clients and I feel that anybody that does business on the Internet should think of Customer Satisfaction first and foremost. This before you would expect to make any money from anyone. Most folks that are on the Internet and have a business. Just want to make money. This is NOT the way to market on the Internet. Just a tip for you.

Any questions fill free to drop me a line.

God Speed to All,

Armando & Sylvia Ortiz

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Janice Marler - (6/9/2005 9:19:12 AM) : Hello..this is Janice
Armando Ortiz - (6/9/2005 9:19:12 AM) : Hi Janice,
I just happened to noticed this rating. What is this for? Good or bad? Please advise...Thanks



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