
Who is Ray Hould?

Ray Hould

Ray Hould
Member SinceWednesday, October 20, 2010
Last ActivityWednesday, February 8, 2017
LocationKitchener, Ontario, Canada Canada
About Me
About Me

I was a senior exec in healthcare & retired 3 times. For years I've know the Internet & it's potential to make money. I finally found a program that works. NOW, I am able to help others succeed.
At the end of August, 2010 I met Chris Farrell online. I completed his
training & 4 weeks after, I started building a business using my knowledge.

I am successful building 2 businesses NOW:


2. AddWallet - It is as if The reincarnation of ZEEK

I look forward to sharing ideas with other members

Enjoy Many Successes!!!!

My Interests
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Cindy Freeman - (11/18/2014 9:22:36 PM) : Hi Ray, Just noticed we have the same birthday. That's a good date, isn't it!
Ken Wolff - (9/16/2013 2:12:01 AM) : Hi Ray! It has been a pleasure getting to know you and share with you in a number of different paces in this great community.
Ian Neate - (9/13/2013 11:13:03 PM) : Ian Neate - (9/14/2013 12:09:41 AM) : Hi please take a look at my site
Diane Bjorling - (9/12/2013 5:02:37 PM) : Good morning Ray, thought I would give a shout out and ask how you are doing? Maybe take a moment an say hi on the Wall..just click on community and join in the conversation :-) Have a wonderful day!
Elaine Pinkston - (9/6/2013 1:14:23 AM) : Yes tell me more about d 4 denomination
Владимир Смышляев - (5/9/2013 2:45:44 AM) : Слышали ли вы о SFI (Strong Future International)? Вы должны проверить этот сайт! Вы получите полный домашний бизнес, обучение персонала и инструменты, все бесплатно.
Ron - (4/19/2013 11:32:55 AM) : Good
Collin Rule - (4/18/2013 8:56:38 AM) : Hi ray i would like a rippln invite please or how do i sign up?
Bilal Nazir - (3/29/2013 6:01:00 AM) : Selling & Renting all kind of Property in UAE Feel Free To Call+971 5545 22319,BBM PIN: 29F236CA
