
Who is Jonathon Pugsley?

Jonathon Pugsley

Jonathon Pugsley
BirthdayFriday, October 18, 1968
Member SinceTuesday, August 20, 2002
Last ActivitySunday, June 2, 2013
LocationSpokane, Washington, United States United States
About Me
About Me
I am a business consultant who helps network marketers become successful. I teach them the inside secrets of Internet Marketing. The other problem is when new people get started in this industry many of them do not have what it takes, they do not have the intentions of becoming the professional they need to be. What other problem is there in this industry? The other problem is the focus in the wrong place. The network marketing company is focused on the product or the compensation plan. Is this really going to prove an effective way to bring new people as a whole? The is no’. People don’t care about that. Great products are dime a dozen and so are business opportunities. It is great salesmanship, great marketing, that is hard to come by. Nothing Else In Business Matters If Good Sales & Marketing Are Not Being Used When I shifted my focus from product to sales & marketing everything changed. Things started to really click and shift my business into overdrive. The wealthiest people in this network marketing field all this one thing in common. They know how to sell. Themselves. Their product…Their ideas….their services. There is a problem that can’t be ignored… There are great deal of lies and falsehoods, myths, misconceptions out there that are about as useful as a screen door on a submarine. As was mentioned at the beginning of this article. Selling has become a dirty word in network marketing . This is because it has also many misconceptions as network marketing does as to how it should be done This is why it is also usually ineffective. Your marketing system can plant seeds (your prospects) for you. Then what’s next? Then you use one- to-one sales to close them. That way you get more done in less time with less effort. To piece it all together to complete the puzzle. The objective of your marketing is to bring in qualified prospects. The main goal of the sales process is to close the deal & build a relationship with the best ones. website at
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