Let's see what is there to know about me? Currently reside in Asheville, North Carolina, prior to here I resided in Northern Idaho for a few years (Beautiful Place). I'm married and have 5 great children and they have provided me with 5 grandchildren.
I have an AS in Small Business Management and Marketing, I currently work for Kmart as department manager and marketing specialist for Mygofer.com. Mygofer.com is a new personal shopping service being tested by Kmart in several select stores around the country. Here in the Asheville, NC area for example, Mygofer provides not only the option to shop via the internet and pick up at the store in 2 hours, but also personalized shopping even from other retailers and you pick it up at our store. Essentially it is shopping on your terms.
I'm an avid reader with a preference for paranormal romance, fantasy and sci-fi. I'm a published amature photographer with a specialty for landscapes, you can take a look at some of my work by visiting my photo store Cook's Photography. I like hiking, camping, horseback riding and driving fast cars.
I'm also an avid eBayer and Trader, I have my own store on eBay Kat's Corner Bookstore where I sell off my surplus books and various other items from trading customers.
That's about all there is to know about me in a nutshell.