
Who is Karen Forbes?

Karen Forbes

Karen Forbes
Member SinceMonday, September 01, 2008
Last ActivityWednesday, February 05, 2014
LocationCampbeltown, Argyll, United Kingdom United Kingdom
Place of Origin
About Me
About Me
Hi, I am an online marketer (self taught :-) ) and have been for years. I love it. I am involved a great company - FGXpress and it is changing my life in so many ways and the product is second to none and they have totally changed my health and that of my family. If anyone is interested in finding out more then please go to or contact myself.

I look forward to us becoming friends and having a chat.
Here's my youtube channel where you can see the product and business and also webinars.
I'm looking for serious and determined people worldwide to join with me to really get this out to the masses and relieve pain worldwide!! just ask me :-)
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Danny Kuhlmann - (9/30/2013 12:59:22 PM) :
Kevin Huska - (11/30/2012 4:29:37 AM) : Hi, I'm building my team fairly quickly using a system that I know will work for you as it does for me. If you are sick of all the garbage on the net then you must see this. It works for everyone, seasoned and new to the internet biz world and can be used to promote and build every internet based biz out there. A must see at
Andrew Beckett - (11/25/2012 1:02:46 PM) : Hi Thanks for nfo RAZ
Ralph White - (10/16/2012 8:32:00 AM) : Belief in oneself is one of the most important bricks in building any successful venture.
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Terry Konza - (6/18/2012 1:00:14 PM) : Hi Karen, Everyone need a financial back-up. We have to protect our own life to reach the level of at least our comfortable zone. To do that, we all would need to find various good methods to make ourselves stand firmly with confidence. Look at this for your future; Both are verry simple, any yet great rewarding. Good luck !!!
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Kevin Wright - (4/19/2012 2:28:17 PM) : Hello Karen, I would like to introduce to you my businesses. and a some help in marketing
Aurora S - (3/12/2012 4:38:43 PM) : Hi If you are looking for a great career, job or opportunity in business, then visit my website - Thankyou Aurora
Rash Rahim - (2/9/2012 2:36:39 PM) : We offer high quality Mephedrone and other research chemicals.


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