
Who is Mark Wade?

Mark Wade

Mark Wade
BirthdaySaturday, August 24, 1946
Member SinceMonday, November 9, 1998
Last ActivityThursday, July 14, 2022
LocationSavannah, Georgia, United States United States
Place of Origin
About Me
About Me

This is new eh?

What would you like to know? I spent a LOT of years working in retailing and I don't anymore, Thank God.

I took up "space" at college LOL - aerospace.

I've been marketing online for eight years and I love it! I am the administrator of FreeAd Central and own a couple of my own web sites.

I'm a diehard NY Ranger fan - my blood runs blue

and I Trust My God...

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James Wright - (8/25/2006 11:22:37 PM) : Did you do anything with aerospace Mark? Jim
Phil Minicozzi - (4/13/2006 2:24:33 PM) : If you love your site and think more people should now about it why donut you try my Friends at they helped me out and now i am doing great in the search engines and they only cost $10 it covers you for the year but if that's not enough for an extra $7 they sell you mailing list of 1000 people who are interested in the same things you are selling. not bad check out their new offers daily. like link exchange tarde your link with other business owners just like your self my example if you sell one item you might get a poor rating but if you link to pages that sell the same or smiler items you would get a higher ranking and these sites link back to your site so this means free traffic for you

sorry i could not be more help

PS: the link was HTTP://
Walter Thomas Jr - (11/24/2005 7:42:45 AM) : What a great Idea; I will learn more about your program!!

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Denise Babbit - (8/15/2005 3:09:26 AM) : Mark,
Thank you for that information!

I am currently creating a blogsite for my products since I've found they doen't have those infernal popups!
(I even tried "NOBANNER" on that site and it didn't work!)
I'll be posting it sometime this week.
(The only drawback is that I can't upload more than 1 image at time, unless it goes into my main blog and it would take longer to copy/cut/paste, switch know! LOL
So, thanks again! I'll send you the link when I get it up. ;)
Denise B.
Mark Wade - (8/15/2005 3:09:26 AM) : Hi Denise,

Thanks for taking the time to do this. If you keep at what you're doing, the learning curve will get easier! I hope I help you in some small way.

[Edit] - Hey! Ya' know, I just put 2and2 together! Your Blogger Blog is cool and I commented to you what? Last Week? I appreciate the link :-)

Have a thought for you - on Blogger - when you're composing a post, next to the "spell check" icon, there's another icon with which you can upload an image to Blogger directly from your computer.

If that was what you were talking about, and might not work for you, there is another way that I haven't used but I've seen many others use - Flickr -

HTH and

Have a wonderful day today too!

Kathy Hamilton - (7/13/2005 6:05:31 PM) : Hello Mr.Wade,
Very interesting site,lots of information,looking forward to knowing you,glad you are here,kathy martin
Mark Wade - (7/13/2005 6:05:31 PM) : Hi Kathy,

Gosh, thank you! I'm glad I'm here too :-)
And from what I've seen, many are happy you're here also!

Feel free to contact me. If I can help, I'm always happy to.


P.S. - please, call me Mark LOL - Mr. Wade is just too formal...
Kenneth R Sword Jr - (4/8/2005 5:41:47 AM) : Mark, today is feedback friday for me and you are receiving a 10 from "moi". I give you this for community involvement, assistance and advice here at AdlandPro.

Now for the bonus point ... what's in the glass?


Glad to have you as my friend.

Kenneth R Sword Jr
Mark Wade - (4/8/2005 5:41:47 AM) : Thanks Kenneth!

Pure Coca Cola my friend! Non-adulterated :-)

Used up those privileges long ago - LOL - Thank God!

Have a truly wonderful day,

Tony Beach - (3/29/2005 8:22:37 PM) : Hi Mark Wade,
We've been partners in a few businesses
together over the past year.....a great frien and partner to have on you side..keep up the work work you always do and Just Do It!
Tony Beach


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