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Jim Allen

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Does this concern YOU? It Does YOU just Don't Know it yet
3/4/2008 4:48:11 PM

((youtube id="vuBo4E77ZXo"))((/youtube))


It is going to take you some time, but PLEASE check this out too


Now Does This Concern You?

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Neil Sperling

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Re: Does this concern YOU? It Does YOU just Don't Know it yet
3/4/2008 7:09:50 PM

Thanks Buddy - EVERYTHING on that clip I have read or come across somewhere- but never before have I seen it all tied together so wonderfully.

I'll be passing that link around.

Have you checked the link in my forum thread "what is money..."

Here -

Great stuff Jim - Thanks again!

Neil Sperling

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Re: Does this concern YOU? It Does YOU just Don't Know it yet
3/4/2008 7:10:59 PM
ps- I was referring to
Peter Fogel

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Re: Does this concern YOU? It Does YOU just Don't Know it yet
3/4/2008 9:59:34 PM

Hi Jim,

Thank you for posting the movie. When I sent the link to you and many of my friends today I thought of posting it here in Adland but wasn't sure how many would react to it.

You taught me a lesson today that information needs to be shared with all not only your close friends and acquaintances.

Those that have an open mind and are willing to see how we are being manipulated and controlled will benefit and join the revolution.

Those that won't? Well nothing new there; is there? Most will probably continue living their lives as if nothing is really happening. What a shame.

Thanks again.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Neil Sperling

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Re: Does this concern YOU? It Does YOU just Don't Know it yet
3/4/2008 10:08:49 PM
ps- I should have mentioned - my forum link above has some audio links that explain money control and the making of money in the way mentioned in the video you shared. The author of the links in my forum goes by Smithy... I came across her some 5-7 years back..... her audio's are done in every day lauguage and brings to light some truths that many (powers) did not want known... thus she goes by her alias. Her sites have been shut down a few times by the powers - but so many people had her audios they keep popping back up.  Check them out.
