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Circle of Positive Linking
1/2/2008 6:26:44 PM

The Circle of Positive Linking! 

I have already declared Unity as the word of the year for 2008! I touched on some points that create Unity, caring for, and helping people selflessly are great foundation elements to be able to gain trust of others. Remember, Love never fails so here is another Idea and gesture of Love that we have actually been doing for quite sometime ourselves on a smaller scale to help our down-line people in our programs.

We will run a rotator button on our posts and in our travels with the links of our close friends. These links will not be just one program these links will for all our friends to benefit. I see this all the time, and have done it myself, start a rotator that only links with those in their down-line. What about the people those aren’t in your down-line? What about those friends that are in a completely different business?

I want to encourage people to start a rotator with links to their friend’s sites. Just as a sort of link love gesture. Sheryl & I have been and will continue to be focused on helping others.

If you would like to hear more or have any input, we would love to hear from you! You are always welcome to drop by our room and personally say hi.

We love to hear your voice and meet you in person!

Brad West ~ onomoney

Sheryl Loch ~ allmylovecrafts

Making Heaps of Money is a Spiritual Experience. The Guild Blog Co-Op Fuzzy Wuzzy Anipals
Re: Circle of Positive Linking
1/2/2008 7:13:33 PM
What a nice suprise to see you here also and I hope you and the family had a great New Year !!

I must get over to the say hi one day ......... Have  begun to face a fear of mine ( Ouch!) blogging.

Yes you heard it write ( I'm finding that I have been hiding from this for year's and now I am ready to face it).

Now all of you blog dodger's ......... now is the time to fess up !!!

Even in school I did not like to write, but I see it has caught up with me ( So I guess this is like my  New Year's resalution) and beside's this is long over do.

Scott Crawley
Skype-scwealth God Bless you and yours P.S I am here to show you how to earn online.
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Re: Circle of Positive Linking
1/2/2008 7:48:28 PM
Hey Scott,

This is a subject that Sheryl has overcome, She has spent hours and hours research and making her blog go. Surprisingly enough most of what she has done is against all of what the blog masters have done and she is having super success. The hits she is getting are unbelievable. In less than three months she brought her blog from a ranking of over 9 million to just over 1 million on Alexa.
It is ranked a little lower than that because of some unforeseen sabotage but is still real strong.

If you would like some tips or anyone else for that matter jump on into our room, Always glad to share successes with anyone.

Talk Soon
Brad West ~ onomoney
Making Heaps of Money is a Spiritual Experience. The Guild Blog Co-Op Fuzzy Wuzzy Anipals
Re: Circle of Positive Linking
1/2/2008 8:43:22 PM


Sounds very good, but I wonder just how many people that do not have their computers set up with the correct firewall are geting files downloaded to their computers?

My firewall prevented your site from downloading files to my computer.

James Kinney The Cardioman Cardio Cocktail Joint Check My Home Page
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Re: Circle of Positive Linking
1/2/2008 9:04:12 PM
Hi James,

I knew this would come up, Since I have had the same problem myself with all three of our machines. I do believe it is the Microsoft firewall it is a bit over zealous at times.  I also run Zone Alarm that does give a warning for some false positives.

To this day we click the icon and it will try to install the latest version and stop. I just click the icon again override the first call for the room bring up the task manager and end the first session.

Sounds like a lot of work but it really isn't it just takes o lot of words to explain it though.

If you need more assistance  My Skype is ~ onomoney

This is what I recieved from HotConference to remidy the down-load problem.

 Hot Conference Help

I believe that you may need to re-install the software; I think there might have been some corruption on installation.

Please follow these steps in order to successfully re-install the software. 

1- Backup your existing list of rooms (available in the rooms dropdown box when you initially log in) by moving the following file to your desktop:  C:\Program Files\Conference\Conference.db

2- Uninstall HotConference from "Add or Remove Programs" in your windows Control Panel by selecting the "Audio/Video Conference" option in the dialog box.

3- Delete the following folder if it still exists:  C:\Program Files\Conference\

4- Delete any icons and archives of HotConference you might have on your desktop except the "Conference.db" file from step 1. 

5- Make sure ports 32768, 32769 are open in your firewall or anti-virus software for both UDP and TCP. 

6- Exit any firewall or anti-virus applications that are running. (you can turn them back on after download)

7- Download and install a fresh copy of HotConference using your own rooms or if you like, you can use this default Public Room URL:

8- Move the "Conference.db" file back to your C:\Program Files\Conference\ Folder when you are done.

That's it.  You should now have a fresh, updated copy of HotConference installed.  If you're still experiencing problems, please, send us an error message and/or screenshot so we can attempt troubleshooting.

Brad West


Making Heaps of Money is a Spiritual Experience. The Guild Blog Co-Op Fuzzy Wuzzy Anipals

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