Let me introduce the most awesome group of team mates anyone could ever have! Not only are they my very good friends, but I also have the pleasure of working with them to bring this forum to all of you, each and every week;
DEBORAH SKOVRAN http://community.adlandpro.com/go/debskovran/default.aspx
DONNA S. http://community.adlandpro.com/go/rainbow123/default.aspx
RICK MARTIN http://community.adlandpro.com/go/290826/
NAN HERRING http://community.adlandpro.com/go/nanonmyway/
and myself;
MARILYN L. MARTIN http://community.adlandpro.com/go/259882/default.aspx
Here are the qualifications that will be used in the selection of each honoree. People that are selected will be recognized based on:
1. Acts of kindness that they show to their fellow man.
2. Must be willing to help others, and treat people in a kindly manner.
3. Have a good-hearted nature, and shows it through all that they do.
4. Must be a positive role model, and set a good example
5. Must be professional, avoids negativity, and promotes success through faith and hard work
So, if you know of anyone here at AdlandPro that are not necessarily "high profile" people per say, and that don't get the recognition that they deserve, let us know. We will be helping to get people recognized that should be *A SHINING STAR*. All nominations must be in by Saturday and please tell us why you believe the person deserves to be recognized.
Please send NOMINATIONS to one the following links;
MARILYN http://community.adlandpro.com/go/259882/Default.aspx
DONNA http://community.adlandpro.com/go/rainbow123/default.aspx
When you get to one of our profiles, click on "Send Me A Message" and then send us the name of the person you want to nominate!
EVELYN as she prefers to be called is a lovely sweet lady from Tennessee with a beautiful soul. She is married with children and grandchildren, enjoys family friends and Internet. Please help us to Congratulate this beautiful caring lady on becoming one of our *Shining Stars* :)
Here is what some of EVELYN'S friends have been saying about her;
"Mary Evelyn is a very caring, friendly, and a true Southern Belle. I am proud to call her my friend."
"I count myself blessed to have gotten to know Evelyn, she is priceless !!"
"Mary Evelyn is a very nice lady and very interesting as well. I am glad that I have gotten to know her."
"Mary Evelyn has a great website. She is a very good business woman as well as being a nice person and friend."
The meaning of the name MARY;
Gender: Feminine
Usage: English, Biblical
Pronounced: MER-ee |
Usual English form of Maria, which was the Latin form of the New Testament Greek names ?a??aµ (Mariam) or ?a??a (Maria) (the spellings are interchangeable), which were from the Hebrew name ??????? (Miryam). The meaning is not known for certain, but there are several theories including "sea of bitterness", "rebelliousness", and "wished for child". However it was most likely originally an Egyptian name, perhaps derived in part from mry "beloved" or mr "love".
This is the name of several New Testament characters, most importantly Mary the virgin mother of Jesus, and Mary Magdalene. Two queens of England have had this name, as well as a Queen of Scotland, Mary Queen of Scots. |
*NOTE - For more information on this name , or any other name, please refer to the following website; http://www.behindthename.com/
Here is MARY EVELYN'S bio;
First I would like to thank Marilyn and all her colleagues for choosing me for this honor.
I live in Lenoir City, Tennessee and was born and raised here. Lenoir City is just south of Knoxville, in East Tennessee and just east of the I-40/I-75 split and we have the unique distinction of having two dams and many of our businesses are called by the name "Twin Lakes'. The first, Fort Loudon, was built in the early '40's and the second , Tellico,in the '70s.
This last one cause much controversy because of the Tellico river being home to the almost extinct snail darter. After the Tellico dam was built, a huge residential development was built along the shores of the lake it created called Tellico vilage.
This area is growing by leaps and bounds and what used to be mostly farming country is now being bought up and developed. We no longer live in a rural area and I miss the tranquility of living in the country.
My husband Robert and I have three grown children and four grandchildren, the youngest, which was just born this past July 6. We've been blessed to have three children that have given us few problems, none major.
I've been online now for over four years and have gained many email buddies that I'm in constant contact with. I had to take early retirement in '04 due to health problems. My husband is semi-retired from his own business.
This has been a tough year for me as I watched my mother die of cancer this past June 9 but this is where my friends, many of them from here at ALP, have been a rock of support. The best thing that has come from being a member of this awesome community is the many lifelong friends I've made here. This is something I will treasure forever and is indeed priceless. If I'm not on your friends list, I would be honored to have you invite me.
Wishing each and everyone of you the greatest of success.
Let's all Congratulate MARY on being named one of this week's *SHINING STARS* If you are not a friend of MARY'S please send her an invitation to become your friend today! Here is MARY'S link;
We pray that everyone will continue to support and enjoy our forum! Please take the time to NOMINATE someone to become one of our *SHINING STARS*