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Sharon Lee

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OPEN DISCUSSION..Christians, I call upon you to be not deterred. “discovery of Jesus’ bodily remains”,
2/27/2007 3:57:26 PM

Mikes Posting today hit me and I thought this would be a Great title of discussion. What is Your Opinion??

Christians, I call upon you to be not deterred. All the hype surrounding the supposed “discovery of Jesus’ bodily remains”, along with Mary’s, is nothing but another Hollywood style slander of God Himself. This has gone on since the beginning of time and we will not be moved!

Every prophecy about the Christ was fulfilled. The Holy Word of God has endured these thousands of years despite all the attempts to disprove it. I tell you from God’s word that Jesus was born to the virgin Mary, died a cruel death to save all people (even those who ridicule Him and spread lies about Him). But, that is not the end of the true story. He overcame the grave and arose! Read Matthew chapter 28 and the other gospel accounts for the truth. Particularly note Matthew 28:6; “He is not here, for He is risen, as He said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.”

What should our reaction be to such news? Act like Christians. Do not stoop to the level of the false prophets. Be kind; pray for those in their unbelief. Stay the course and be able to say the words of the apostle Paul; “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” 2 Timothy 4:7



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Lisa Simpkins

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Re: OPEN DISCUSSION..Christians, I call upon you to be not deterred. “discovery of Jesus’ bodily remains”,
2/27/2007 4:07:29 PM

In My Opinion!

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Sharon Lee

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Re: OPEN DISCUSSION..Christians, I call upon you to be not deterred. “discovery of Jesus’ bodily remains”,
2/27/2007 4:23:19 PM

Thank you Lisa,,,For posting.

I feel the same as Mike. That this is a "Hollywood" Hype up!!

Peace, Sharon

Thomas Richmond

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Re: OPEN DISCUSSION..Christians, I call upon you to be not deterred. “discovery of Jesus’ bodily remains”,
2/27/2007 4:23:21 PM

Did Someone call me? Lol I am amazed at this photo of Jesus' tomb. Mike is a friend and very intuitive of his beliefs i must say. Being a Disciple of Jesus, speaking for me of course, is really a matter of taking a very simple idea and relentlessly applying them. And relentlessly means daily. Remember how often the word "daily" shows up in your bible. Understand what that is saying what we all need. Never think you can be an exeption. Your convictions that you needed help brought you to God in the first place. Now, let him hear from you you every day how you need his help. Make your Prayer life a priority.  Thank you. Your Adland Prayerwarrior....

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Sharon Lee

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Re: OPEN DISCUSSION..Christians, I call upon you to be not deterred. “discovery of Jesus’ bodily remains”,
2/27/2007 4:25:32 PM

Thank you for your post Thomas!! Go Prayerwarrior!!

Peace, Sharon
