Our forum features a member of the AdlandPro community each week who is truly a bright and *SHINING STAR*. It is a person that may not necessarily be a "high-profile" person per say, but rather someone that is not only a great friend to many, but also has a good heart and truly cares about others.
Let me introduce the most awesome group of team mates anyone could ever have! Not only are they my very good friends, but I also have the pleasure of working with them to bring this forum to all of you, each and every week;
KENNETH SWORD - Honorary Member
and myself;
Here are the qualifications that will be used in the selection of each honoree. People that are selected will be recognized based on:
1. Acts of kindness that they show to their fellow man.
2. Must be willing to help others, and treat people in a kindly manner.
3. Have a good-hearted nature, and shows it through all that they do.
4. Must be a positive role model, and set a good example
5. Must be professional, avoids negativity, and promotes success through faith and hard work
So, if you know of anyone here at AdlandPro that are not necessarily "high profile" people per say, and that don't get the recognition that they deserve, let us know. We will be helping to get people recognized that should be *A SHINING STAR*. All nominations must be in by Saturday and please tell us why you believe the person deserves to be recognized.
Please send NOMINATIONS to one the following links;
When you get to one of our profiles, click on "Send Me A Message" and then send us the name of the person you want to nominate!

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BARB is an awesome lady! Barb is very well liked in the Community, has over 2300 friends on her friend's list and is active in 158 forums! Barb is very active, she likes to dance, read, go biking, do gardening, exercise, and much more. Please help us Congratulate this lovely lady of AdlandPro! :)
Here is what some of BARB'S friends are saying about her;
"Barb is a real gem of a lady! I am glad to be one of her friends."
"BARB is one of the best friends I have found here at Adland, she is a great person."
"Barb is a caring person. She is a committed believer and she is also a good person with alot of integrity."
"Barb shows herself as a true business lady, and also a very special lady inside and out. I am blessed to have her on my Friends Team!!"
The meaning of the name BARB;
The name Barbara is derived from Greek βάρβαρος (barbaros) meaning "foreign, barbar".
To learn more about the name BARB please visit;
Here is BARB'S bio;
I want to thank Marilyn and the Team for choosing me. I really appreciate it. Here is my background.
I was born in Anchorage, Alaska. My dad was stationed in the Air Force. When I was six weeks old my dad and mom moved back to the small town of LeRoy, Illinois where they both grew up in. Both my grandparents also lived there. It was and still is a small town. When I lived there it was like you had a large extended family, everyone knew everyone else. We lived with my dad's parents while my dad and grandfathers and great grandfather built our house. When I was four my sister was born. I have just one sister. We left LeRoy because my dad was transferred with his job and so we moved to Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
I loved Wisconsin. It is a great place to live. We lived in Milwaukee for a short time and then moved just outside to New Berlin, Wisconsin. My years growing up were pretty uneventful. I did well in school getting mostly A's and was on the first girls Cross Country track team that our high school had. After high school I went to
a business college and received a degree in Fashion Merchandising but this was not really a passion of mine.
After I graduated my dad found out that he was being transferred again and I had to decide if I wanted to stay in Wisconsin or move with my family to St. Louis, Missouri. My family has always been close and so I decided to move with them. It was a good choice. It took a couple of years to get used to Missouri but I have grown to love this area. I love to travel but I always look forward to going back home to Missouri.
When I was in my early 20's I met a man that I would later marry. I was young and did not have the knowledge and self esteem that I have today. He was an alchoholic and was emotionally abusive. He ended up committing suicide. Dealing with this was one of the hardest things that I have ever had to go through but because of the support of my family and friends and because of my faith in God I was able to get through it. I feel that when faced with a challenge in life you can either become bitter or you can become better and I have always chosen to become better.
When I was 25 my dad who I loved very much was diagnosed with Lymphoma. My dad was only 47 and had never been sick a day in his life. After he was diagnosed he only lived four months. It was so sad to see what such a proud and independent person became because of the chemotherapy. During this time was when my passion developed for wellness. My dad passing away taught me to not take anyone for granted and to make the most out of each day that we are given.
After my husband passed away I was single for a number of years. I didn't like the bar scene and so I decided to put a classified ad in the paper to meet people. I met probably about 75 men, lots of free dinners, before meeting my current husband who is my best
friend and the wind beneath my wings. I prayed that I would meet the right person for me and God answered my prayers. We have been married about a year and a half. I feel very blessed. We are currently in the process of totally remodeling the three story condo
that we have which is a challenge but as each item is completed we realize how worth it it is.
One of the things that I love is real estate. For about 10 years I was a real estate appraiser until the office I worked for closed. I had become a little disheartened by the industry because of so many lenders wanting you to just come up with a certain figure so that the loan could be made. I could never do this because of my integrity. I then became manager of a dating service which was a lot of fun because you were able to help people find love. We even had a few marriages while I was there but this too closed.
That is when I decided that I just did not want to work for anyone else any longer. I delved into network marketing. I fell in love with it. I truly believe that it is the very best way for anyone to make there dreams come true. The key is finding the right company and having
someone there to be able to support you. Over the past 12 years I have researched many hundreds of programs. There are so many bad programs. It is really sad to see so many people put so much time and money into promoting something that is destined for failure
and then they blame network marketing. I dedicate myself to helping as many people as possible get rid of the two things that people worry about most - health problems and financial worries. It is so rewarding to be able to have such a positive impact on people's lives. I truly believe that this is what I was put on this earth to do. If you would like to take a look at what I feel is the very best opportunity today please visit:
I look forward to helping you to succeed!
One of the most important things that I did this past year was to become Catholic. I was raised Methodist and had gone to church all of my life but I felt that something was missing. My husband is Catholic and I looked into the RCIA program at the church we went to and went through the program. In going through the program I realized how so many people who are protestant have so much misinformation when it comes to the Catholic faith. I know that I did. After becoming Catholic it felt like I had come home. Being both
protestant and now Catholic I understand both sides but I truly feel that this is so right for me. Many people choose to see the differences but I chose to see the similarities. I think that that is also a good way to look at people. So often we tend to focus on how other people are different than us but in reality we are so much more alike.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. If I am not a friend of yours please invite me. I love meeting new people. Always remember that I am here to help you in anyway that I can.
Peace, Health and Prosperity,
Barb Doyle, Sc
Let's all Congratulate BARB on being named one of this week's *SHINING STARS* If you are not a friend of BARB'S please send her an invitation to become your friend today! Here is BARB'S link;
We pray that everyone will continue to support and enjoy our forum! Please take the time to NOMINATE someone to become one of our *SHINING STARS*
God Bless Everyone,