John Elliott and Luella May welcome you to the Second Edition of Women of Courage
Each week we will honor a woman that has truly made a difference by her contributions, courage, love, and selflessness. Women honored will be chosen from inside AdlandPro, outside AdlandPro, living in the present, and yes, we will not forget those heroines that paved the way for the freedoms we now enjoy. We will honor women who have shown tremendous courage and fortitude against all odds.
Assisting us in coordinating these awards are four outstanding ladies who are Women of Courage in their own right.
Carla Cash
Veronica Davidson
Joyce Hyde
We welcome a new team member, one who will add elegance and flair to our Women of Courage. We are most proud to introduce:
Georgios Paraskevopoulos
Kathleen Gage
Kathleen is known as the "Streets Smarts Speaker." This is a title that she wears proudly, as Kathleen is a highly successul, self taught entrepeneur.
Her "Streets Smarts" Title could also very well apply to her personal life. She made choices in her teens and early twenties that took her from a comfortable middleclass upbringing to a life of homelessness and being unemployable. She overcame a bout of paralysis at an early age, survived the great quake of 1985 in Mexico City, and lived for an extended period of time on the West Bank of Israel. Kathleen has risen from seemingly insurmoutable odds to a life of success and prosperity. Through her almost impossible life experiences, Kathleen has developed a distinctive and creative approach to helping others understand the power of beliefs, thoughts, and actions that aid in improving both their personal and professional life. When Kathleen mentors a client, she focuses on their entire persona, thus teaching them all aspects of how to achieve success.
Kathleen started her business on the ground floor, you might say. Although she went through many difficult learning curves, she never gave up. Learning from the mistakes that she made, she developed and fine tuned a unique and creative way of marketing herself on and off the internet. Through sheer ingenuity, she developed unique methods of marketing that became highly successful. Through the obstacles that Kathleen encountered and overcame, she successfully developed and implemented programs that have taken organizations that were losing money to a position of healthy financials and increased profits. She has worked with a variety of organizations including Republic Mortgage, America's Community Bankers, U. S. Marine Corp., Novus Corporation, AT&T.
Kathleen is a self made entrepeneur that excells in many areas. She is a keynote speaker and best selling author. She has been described as one of the most inspirational speakers in the world. Kathleen has over 25 years experience in sales, marketing, management, public relations, and promotions.
Kathleen is recognized for her unique approach in teaching speakers, trainers, authors and consultants how to gain visibility and make money through the power of the Internet. She has worked with thousands of individuals both in live presentations, teleconference training, one-on-one coaching and ongoing mentoring programs to teach them high return marketing and positioning strategies for their businesses.
Kathleen is past president of the National Speakers Association Utah Chapter and past vice-chair and marketing chair for the Central Region Council for the Department of Workforce Services of Utah. Kathleen is currently a member of the Legislative Advisory Council for the American Cancer Society of Utah.
Kathleen is the recipient of numerous business awards including the 1995-1996 and 1999-2000 Utah Speakers Association Speaker of the Year, Salt Lake Chamber of Commerce Business Women's Forum Achievement award for 1999-2000, The Leadership and Communications 2000 Award for Toastmasters International, and the Giant Step Award for 2004 from the Salt Lake Area Chamber of Commerce for business innovation and success.
Kathleen is a featured columnist for numerous online and offline magazines, newspapers and journals and has thousands of articles on sales, marketing and achievement throughout the Internet.
She is the author of “Message of Hope,” “Workplace Miracles,” “Street Smarts Marketing and Promotions,” “101 Ways to Get Your Foot in the Door” and “Street Smarts Making Money with the Internet.” Her most recent book, The Law of Achievement is an bestseller. Kathleen travels throughout the United States, Canada and Europe sharing her message.
Kathleen Gage has overcome insurmountable odds to get where she is today. She cares for people and wants to see them be successful.
We love you Kathleen. We thank you for sharing your knowledge with us. We wish you the desire of your dreams. You are truly a Woman of Courage.
Luella May and John Elliott, aka Oaky Wood