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This forum is fun, exciting, and is a much needed addition to the AdlandPro community because we are featuring many great and caring people that may otherwise go unnoticed. That is why our forum is a little different than other ones here at Adland that honor members of our community
Our forum features a member of the AdlandPro community each week who is truly a bright and *SHINING STAR*. It is a person that may not necessarily be a "high-profile" person per say, but rather someone that is not only a great friend to many, but also has a good heart and truly cares about others.
Let me introduce the most awesome group of team mates anyone could ever have! Not only are they my very good friends, but I also have the pleasure of working with them to bring this forum to all of you, each and every week;
and myself;
Here are the qualifications that will be used in the selection of each honoree. People that are selected will be recognized based on:
1. Acts of kindness that they show to their fellow man.
2. Must be willing to help others, and treat people in a kindly manner.
3. Have a good-hearted nature, and shows it through all that they do.
4. Must be a positive role model, and set a good example
5. Must be professional, avoids negativity, and promotes success through faith and hard work
So, if you know of anyone here at AdlandPro that are not necessarily "high profile" people per say, and that don't get the recognition that they deserve, let us know. We will be helping to get people recognized that should be *A SHINING STAR. All nominations must be in by Saturday and you please tell us why you believe the person deserves to be recognized.
Please send NOMINATIONS to one the following links;
When you get to one of our profiles, click on "Send Me A Message" and then send us the name of the person you want to nominate!

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CHRIS is a very upbeat inspiring and wonderful gentleman of this Community. He is very kind and supportive, has 957 friends, a Top 50 Poster, has 4 forums, loves his family, friendships and life, a very caring man working in the Ambulance Service and has a wonderful website "A website designed to lift your spirits and soothe your Soul!" Come and show this Fantastic man our support here!! :)
Here is what some of CHRIS' friend's are saying about him;
"Heart Warrior, You have been such a great friend to me and everyone here in Adlandpro. Your enthusiasm, sense of humor and forever giving friendship is truly a blessing. Never change"
"My Dear Friend Chris always has such pearls of wisdom to share with us. The posts on Love are my personal favorites. I look forward to hearing more from this briliant man." Peace, Love, Liberty
"I can tell Chris has a very kind and loving nature.He has been nothing short of kind."
"I thoroughly enjoy and look forward to Chris' inspiring and motivational forums and threads. I thank him for his friendship!"
The meaning of the name CHRIS;
The name Christ in Greek 'Χριστός' means "anointed", derived from Greek χριώ (chrio) "to anoint". This was a name applied to Jesus by early Greek-speaking Christians. It is a translation of the Hebrew word מָשִׁיחַ (mashiyach) (commonly spelled in English messiah) which also means "anointed".
Christian is a medieval Greek and Latin name that meant "Christian". This name comes from Christos. Christian, in medieval England this was also a feminine name.
The name Christopher means "bearing Christ", derived from Late Greek 'Χριστός' (Christos) combined with φερω (phero) "to bear, to carry".
To learn more about the name Chris please visit Georgios' forum;
Here is Chris' bio;
Hello from me Chris Wiseman - aged 45 - Separated - Born in Exeter, Devon, United Kingdom
"A big kid at heart with my favourite playground being Disneyland".
Here goes with the Bio.......
I was born at home in a block of flats in the historic town of Exeter on August 9th 1960. My Mother informs me it was quite an occasion with many neighbours coming around to witness the event. The area I grew up in was a council estate in an area called Countess Weir named after the Countess of Weir (Strange!!). I attended the local infants school and apparently cried on my first day (all day!). Onward and upward I walked across the road and went to the Countess Weir middle school which was a fairly happy time making lots of friends.The Headmaster of this school was very grumpy and was very keen on music. He was paticularly proud of his school choir and orchestra. Unfortunatley I had an accident with my recorder and had to stick the end on with a plaster!! needless to say he was not very proud of me!
The reward for this was to play the rear end of a donkey or cow (can't remember which but all I know it was very hot and uncomfortable!) in the school Christmas production.
Well I'm sorry to say that my time at High school was not a pleasant one. I attended a rough boys school in the city of Exeter and was bullied throughout my time there. The only happy memories I have of this school was the Air Training Corps where at the age of just 13 I became a very proud Air Cadet. The school had its very own ATC which was 2350 Squadron. The next 6 plus years were to prove to be the most exciting time for me during my high school days prurely because of my Air Cadet experience. I worked hard up through the ranks to Senior Cadet, Corporal, Seargeant, Flight Sergeant, and Cadet Warrant Officer. My days were filled with parade drills, weekend flying and gliding, Shooting to name but a few. The flying experience was awesome flying most weekends at Exeter Airport and it was this that gave me a taste of the Royal Air Force and my interest in aviation generally. We attended summer camps on an annual basis on RAF Airfields which was truly awesome. During one summer camp I was able to fly in a RAF Canberra Bomber out over the sea for 2 plus hours sitting on an ejector seat.This truly was an awesome experience. Also I got to fly in the back of an RAF Hercules transport plane flying at 7,000ft with the back ramp open. I enjoyed the flying so much that I became responsible for strapping in Air Cadets to the cHIPMUNK Aircraft and giving safety briefings every weekend. The reward for this was extra flights at the end of a busy day.
Anyhow moving on...needless to say the happiest day of school was the day I left! That was the year of 1976 and here in the UK we were experiencing a dramatic heatwave. You could hardly walk on the pavements because they were so hot and the roads began to melt!!
Through the mid to late seventies I starting building a music record collection and went through several stages of musical tastes. This started as genral pop music to rock and roll. Then I became a Heavy Rocker which was a fun time. in 1979 the Disco era started to take off and I began listening to Black Music mainly. It was during this time that I discovered Soul music and I have never looked back. I started to get interested in becoming a dee jay and practised many days and nights in my bedroom using a hitachi music centre and a Grundig reel to reel tape deck.
Between leaving school in 1976 and finding a career in 1979 I applied to to join the Royal Air Force and sat the exam.I passed the exam but Unfortuantely I failed the medical (world came tumbling down) because I was slighlty colour blind. All of my other school mates who wanted to join the Military joined up and left me behind to pick up my life. So I attended Exeter College for a short while (having fun) until I found my first job working in a large Electrical store in Exeter. This was a fun time and I started to learn all the things about life that you need to get by like how to run a bank account! It was a fun time and a period I really didnt take seriously. I started as a trainee manager and ended up as a stores asssitant!! but it was fun and life is about having fun. i got into lots of trouble including taking a sick day on a Saturday (you were never allowed to take a Saturday off!!) to go to Exeter Air Display. The manager suspected something and sent the delivery driver around to my house to check if I was home! oops! mum tried to say I was in bed asleep but gave in (very honest type is mum!!) and said I was at the Air Display. Guess where I had to go on Monday morning? yep straight into the mangers office for a telling off and a harsh warning not to do it again!! Oh well at least I went to the airshow!
In April 1979 my long term working career was about to begin with the Ambulance Service. I proudly joined the Devon Ambulance Service as a Control room Assistant in the emergency control room. This was very exciting as I was responsible for taking the emergency calls and providing the dispatchers with vital information. I moved on in 1980 by taking my six week ambulance aid course and went out on the road as an ambulance care asssitant initially. Then after qualification I proudly joined the team at a little seaside town called Exmouth. This was a small ambulance station with one day clinic bus and two frontline emergency ambulances. As you can imagine I witnessed some pretty horrific scenes and saw all shapes of life and Death! The ambulance service shaped my life and developed me from a non confident shy individual into the confident person I am today. I eventually got promoted to Officer and this led me back into the Control room as a Control Officer. Onward and upward to the ranks of Duty Manager and a drastic change in the form of three Counties Devon, Cornwall and Somerset coming together to form the Wescountry Ambulance Services NHS Trust. Today I am currently still a Duty Manager with 27 years service to my credit working in our new control centre in Exeter.
My love life started really slowly because as a kid I was very shy. I had a few girlfriends here and there but none of them stayed around very long sigh!! I was however at a beach barbecue one night in Exmouth and a young girl who I was trying to set up with my then best mate didn't focus on him but ended up with me. She was to be my first wife! We never had children thank goodness because after 2.5 years she decided to live the highlife and ended up running away with another. So through divorce we went and I curled up in a little ball and felt sorry for myself. Soon I began socialising again and on a night out met another young lady. We married in 1989 in Exeter and went onto to have two lovely children one of each.We moved from Countess Weir up the road about 2.5 miles to a brand new estate where we purchased our dream 3 bedroomed detached house. It was exciting taking the kids up and watching being built brick by brick. Life moved on and with both working full time jobs we drifted apart over the years. After 16 years of marraige we finally in August 2005 went our seperate ways.I am obviously still a loving Father and very proud of my children even through the very chalenging teenage years!!
Life moves people through different stages and circumstances change with an ever evolving world. We can remain as we are or and be left behind or we can move with the tide and gently adjust along the way.
I am very grateful to two business opportunities in my life to-date. Firstly I was a distributor for Amway UK Ltd for about 7 years and it was an awesome experience. We had the best personal development training available through the International Business System of audio tapes, books and regular training meetings and seminars. Life started to happen for me and I did things I would never have dreamt of doing. Facing fears, going for interviews, mixing with total strangers and getting to know them, gaining more confidence and the list goes on and on. Secondly and more recently Herbalife International not only taught me about health and nutrition but it too shaped the way my attitude is today. I remain both upbeat and positive today no matter what the world throws at me. We cannot change the big picture so don't waste time worrying about what may happen. Instead focus on what we can change and how we can change ourselves to serve the people of the world better. I feel very fortunate to be in the ambulance service and to have touched so many lives that made a big difference to those people. I am also truly grateful that I found where I have spent time with the most awesome people. Where else can you make 600 plus friends and have the love and support daily online. Adland I salute you and all you stand for today and always.
I am enjoying life and I am ready for any challenges along the way. I have achieved many great things through focus and the having the guts to have a go. I am particularly proud of my own positive website This is a place where I decided to share my ideas on a personal website which in the early days was just a page of text and a pretty basic website. Now it has grown into the WELCOME PEOPLE OF THE WORLD community it is today. I really enjoy my work on the website and all the contacts I've made from around the world. I've also created a webring for like minded people and joined many newsletters from other wonderful positive sites. All my computer work is self taught. My ideas come from scanning the web and getting inspiration from such greats as Jeff Keller and Napoleon Hill to name just a few.
Finally.... after years of practice in the not that!! I did become a DJ not only with my very own mobile disco but with resident places too. 14 plus years on the road making peoples special occasions go with a bang!! well sometimes I got the wiring wrong!! .....only joking guys.
So no mention of qualifications, no list of initials after my name. I do have many qualifications in Healthcare but I won't bore you with them. But hey, I have the right attitude and in my book that counts for a large portion of the main ingredients for a successful life. Yes you need a basic education but also with a winning positive attitude you can achieve wonderful things every single day of your life.
My advice to anyone is find something to laugh at...if you can't find it laugh at yourself!! for laughing truly is the one and only medicine that will make you feel real good and keep you healthy. Go get em folks!
Questions and Answers About Me
Favourite Food; - Chinese, seafood
First Pet: - Colly dog
What car do you drive: - Toyota Avensis 1800
What's on your car stereo right now; - Various R&B, soul & jazz
You're at the bar what are you drinking; - beer mainly but sometimes red wine
Favourite place; - Disneyland Orlando or Paris (playground!)
Favourite Book; - Attitude is Everything – Jeff Keller (must read for anyone)
Favourite Movie; - War of the Worlds (the new one)
Favourite Colour; - Red
What really annoys you; -: Moody angry people, bad manners
Best Career moment; - Getting promotion to Duty Manager
Scariest moment; - Going to the top of Blackpool Tower (Fear of heights)
Passions; - Helping others, Soul Music, Flying
Things that make you smile; - My children, serenity, Peace, Love and friendship, Beautiful ladies
Biggest Dream; - To become a pilot!
I love my family and friends and I love Life!
Let's all Congratulate Chris on being named one of this week's *SHINING STARS* If you are not a friend of Chris' please send him an invitation to become your friend today! Here is Chris' link;
We pray that everyone will continue to support and enjoy our forum! Please take the time to NOMINATE someone to become one of our *SHINING STARS*

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God Bless Everyone,