The reason the Feature of the Week forum was created was to honor people who have a positive influence on this community.
To qualify the person has to be an active member and one who contributes to the positive atmosphere here at AdlandPro. Here are the criteria for nominating a member for the Feature of the Week
(also referred to as the Person of the Week, POTW).
This criterion can be seen at the site below:
How Do I Get Selected as Person of the Week?
To be chosen as Person of the week you:
• Are highly visible on the community
In the past 350 post were the minimum requirement, we
aren't locked in on that number but a minimum of 300 posts
is mandatory. Posts that are mainly advertising posts will not
be considered.
Please note highly visible with a positive influence in and on
the community means just that. You have to have an active
forum and/or be active in community forums that are not ad
• Are always seen as respectful, professional, and helpful.
• Must be nominated for the program by another member
of the Community and voted on by other members.
• Must have a real photo of themselves on their profile.
This week we're honoring James Kinney. James is involved in the community and is seen everywhere supporting, and posting in many forums.
James is a very interesting and active member of our community . James is very friendly, supportive and is always willing to lend a helping hand.
Congratulations James
on your POTW win! 
To my friends:
Thank you for honoring me, I am humbled.
Below is some of my Bio, it is short because there isn't enough space to convey all of the thing I have been blessd with. I was not susposed to live past 6 months of age, but God had other plans, and since I surpased my death sentence every second I live is a blessing and I consider it to be a favor from God.
James was born in Colville, WA May 9, 1936 raised in Washington and Oregon.
Attended various schools due to the nature of the loging industry.
Graduated from Sisulaw High School in Florence Oregon in 1954 (If your mother of father attended school during 1950-1954 I probably knew them.)
After graduation I joined the Army I entered on Oct. 1954 and was released (Honorable) in Oct. 1957 Most of my time was spent in the 66th Engr company stationed first at Ft. Bragg, NC, untill the Company Commander took his whole company AWOL and finally had us moved to Ft. Polk LA. Of course shortly after that the Company Comander, was court marsheld and broken down to a SP3.
Since being released I have been the butcher, printer, aircondition installer.air condition service rep, sold mail order shoes and taylor made shirts done cabinent making, remodeling and only the Lord knows what else. Some times I would ask "Why me Lord?" and he would answer "Because I feel you need the experience!" While doing all of this I spent 35 years working (full time) for some of the largest printing companies in Houston, TX.
Billie was born in Oakdale, LA Sept. 3, 1937, Her father passed away when she was very young. After a period of time her mother (Edna) married a carpenter by the name of John Nickolas (An extremely good carpenter but an abusive man) and their primary home was in Leesville, LA.
It was there while I was in the service that I met Billie and it was love at first site. But we didn't start dating for several months. When I first went to Billies house to pick her up, John (Her step father) came out ranting and tried to run me off! I told him that I was going to date Billie and I could come pick her up like a man, or I could slip around and meet her somewhere else. I also told him I might even marry her! I guess this changed his mind about me because after I left, he told her to get in his truck, and when I arrived at the church we were going to, he was sitting there with Billie! He told her that I could come to the house to pick her up.
There is quite a story to our courtship and what we went through on our wedding day July 31, 1956 (But that would take several pages, and I would imagine you are probably bored by now!)
The most important day of my life was on Easter Sunday 1955 when I walked the isle of East Leesville Baptist Church and invited Christ into my life as my personal savior. (This was after a 3 month battle with satan trying to prevent me from making a decision.)
I praise the Lord daily for providing a great mistress, wife, mother to our children, and closest friend. (Close friends tell you when your are in error!) And I err a lot! Billie has kept me from straying of the straight and narrow path for 52 years.
James Kinney
It is time to congratulate James on his POTW win. Please invite James to join your list of friends if he isn't already on it.
James Kinney,
Ana Maria, Jim and I are glad to be honoring you in this week's POTW forum. You've been a great asset to our wonderful community.
Enjoy your week as our
POTW and King of AdlandPro!
Thank you Adland Friends for supporting the POTW Forum