The reason the Feature of the Week forum was created was to honor people who have a positive influence on this community.
To qualify the person has to be an active member and one who contributes to the positive atmosphere here at AdlandPro. Here are the criteria for nominating a member for the Feature of the Week
(also referred to as the Person of the Week, POTW).
This criterion can be seen at the site below:
How Do I Get Selected as Person of the Week?
To be chosen as Person of the week you:
• Are highly visible on the community
In the past 350 post were the minimum requirement, we
aren't locked in on that number but a minimum of 300 posts
is mandatory. Posts that are mainly advertising posts will not
be considered.
Please note highly visible with a positive influence in and on
the community means just that. You have to have an active
forum and/or be active in community forums that are not ad
• Are always seen as respectful, professional, and helpful.
• Must be nominated for the program by another member
of the Community and voted on by other members.
• Must have a real photo of themselves on their profile.
This week we're honoring Dennis Turner. Dennis is involved in the community and is seen everywhere supporting, and posting in many forums.
Dennis is a very interesting and active member of our community . Dennis is very friendly, supportive and is always willing to lend a helping hand.
Congratulations Dennis
on your POTW win! 
Hello Friends,
Thank you for this humbling opportunity to join the ranks of so many outstanding Person of the Week award winners. Your support and confidence is certainly appreciated!
I was born in Vermilion, a small town in Northeast Alberta, Canada and was raised on a farm near there. As the oldest of a family of seven, I learned responsibility at an early age. Having five brothers and only one sister, not only did I do outdoor work, but helped my mother with many domestic tasks as well. While I was growing up, there was no indoor plumbing. Doing laundry, washing dishes and cleaning house were significant tasks in a large family, as you can imagine!
Outside the house, there was plenty to do as well, so boredom was non-existent. I learned to milk cows, feed pigs and chickens, clean barns, and do general repair work. Other acquired skills included welding, electrical wiring, carpentry, mechanical work and machinery maintenance. Over the years, all this has served me well around the home, doing maintenance and renovations.
I did well in school, but the process seemed to be taking too long. So, at age 15, I left school (at the end of grade eleven) and finished high school by correspondence in much less time than by attending school. In 1966, I began an apprenticeship program and became a journeyman Communications Electrician and have worked in the Telecommunications field since them.
I am now blessed with a lovely wife, Dianne, 4 children, 8 grandchildren, and 23 foster children.
I have a number of on-line business ventures that serve me well. My real passion is the Health and Wellness industry where I am able to help others in so many ways. As a TriVita Business Affiliate since 2003, I have had the opportunity to make a major difference in the quality of life for my customers as well as Business Affiliates. This is a real customer-focused business. My ratio of customers to Business Affiliates is approximately 150 to 1, making it a very satisfying and rewarding structure. My customer base now extends throughout each of the US states and Canadian provinces.
For business information, please visit:
Wishing you the blessings of health and wealth,
Dennis Turner
It is time to congratulate Dennis on his POTW win. Please invite Dennis to join your list of friends if she isn't already on it.
Dennis Turner,
Ana Maria, Jim and I are glad to be honoring you in this week's POTW forum. You've been a great asset to our wonderful community.
Enjoy your week as our
POTW and King of AdlandPro!
Thank you Adland Friends for supporting the POTW Forum