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KATHERYN HAIGLER Is Our 13th DWOTW~~Time To PaRtY!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOoooOooHOooOOOO!!!
5/5/2008 10:46:57 AM

Our 13th WINNER Of The Most Distiguished Woman of the week Award is a Lady from Trumbull Nebraska, and a Very respected & active member of our community.

  Mrs. Katheryn Haigler 


Lets PaRtY!! Post your Congrats here!!!



Here are just some of the Great highlights of Katheryn.

Katheryn is a friend to many here in Adlandpro. She is a active marketer online and also operates her family business in scrap metal and rentals. She is a JD Premium Products (Jerky Direct)Team Leader in our Adlandpro Team build and also promotes Itex, A National Barter site. Katheryn also features a "HOTSEAT" for our members to better promote others in business. She cares about everyone's success as well. Please read Katheryns PaRtY Page and Leave her a post to Congratulate her on the 13th Most Distinquished Woman of the Week award..;-)

Katheryn will Love to help you promote your business. Please post a message for her here if you would like to be featured in her HOTSEAT forum..;-)

To invite Katheryn as a Friend, Please click this link.

 Here is a little about Katheryn...

My family and I live in Rural Nebraska after living in a large City for years. We all definitely love the change!

We work as a family to support our rural decision.
We haul metal scrap, fix up rentals, Sell
Jerky Direct, and we are on a National Barter Group.
It is a lot of work but a small price to pay
.for the lifestyle we want(quiet solitude and beautiful

We love to network and use every oppurtunity to
talk to people about our church and our companies.

Thanks for stopping by!

Katheryn is currently promoting the following...

The Tastiest business
You will ever be a part of

JD Premium Products, Jerky Direct.

Low startup, low monthly committment, Great rewards.

Free Junk Car Removal.

Call:(888) 691-8071

Barter is Better.

Tired of putting your products out there and not even having them looked at? Can't get rid or older inventory to make room for the new?

Think Barter

We are a National Company, each office charges a different price based on their area. Check out the website and then email me privately

Check us out

AdlandPro Worlds Classifieds
Get Linked from 15,000+ sites with one click.

Get Linked from thousands of Classifieds for FREE with one click. 

Come to my Forum

I would love to put your business in the hotseat. If you like the format, write me with your advertisement and a short testimony.

Katheryn Has a forum here in Adlandpro called "Promoting and also a Team jerky Site" You can visit and post here:

Read some of Katheryn's Great feedback post:

JoAnne G.
JoAnne Green (user id: 241880) is offline. Last login: 05-05-2008 510
10.00 / 10
Sunday, March 23, 2008 - rated: 10
Dear Katheryn,

"Those friends thou hast, and their adoption tried,
Grapple them to thy soul with hoops of steel." -- Shakespeare

Thank you for being my friend on Adland and for your kindness and support.

All the Best!

JoAnne Green

Karen H.
Karen Herrmann (user id: kherrmann) is offline. Last login: 04-18-2008 190
10.00 / 10
Monday, July 23, 2007 - rated: 10
Extremely willing to help all and gives newbies suggestions for success with AdlandPro!
Updated: Monday, July 23, 2007
Marilyn L M.
Marilyn L Martin (user id: 259882) is offline. Last login: 05-04-2008 4512
9.50 / 10
Sunday, July 22, 2007 - rated: 10
Hi Kathryn,

I am sorry I have not been here to rate you before this! I thought I had, but better late than never at all, right? I am giving you a rating of "10" I am sorry I couldn't give you more, but it won't let me go to 100. LOL! Anyway, Kathryn and her family are great...I love the closeness and the working together to achieve a common goal. Kathryn is very active in the Community, and is a positive role model. She is an inspiration to many here...a real breathe of fresh air! Kathryn is a very sweet person, good friend, and loves God very much. I am very proud to call her my friend!

Keep up the awesome job you are doing in the Community Hon! Keep shining brightly always!

God Bless You & Your Family,

Love Marilyn Martin
Updated: Sunday, July 22, 2007
Victoria H.
Victoria Hurst (user id: tazzies) is offline. Last login: 05-04-2008 2247
9.80 / 10
Friday, July 20, 2007 - rated: 10
Thank you for all you do, and for your friendship.
Updated: Friday, July 20, 2007
Tom M.
Tom Mangone (user id: InvisusDirectCanada) is offline. Last login: 05-01-2008 1055
10.00 / 10
Friday, July 06, 2007 - rated: 10
Great family!
Updated: Friday, July 06, 2007
Jessie T.
Jessie Tamangided (user id: 334756) is offline. Last login: 09-19-2007 23
not rated yet
Wednesday, July 04, 2007 - rated: 7
Hi there i'm jessie and just started..Great job
Updated: Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Georgios P.
Georgios Paraskevopoulos (user id: Genesis) is offline. Last login: 05-04-2008 2647
9.88 / 10
Saturday, June 23, 2007 - rated: 10
HELLO Katheryn Haglair,

You are a great friend who cares for everyone around you. Your forum is one of the best in this community and your host and serve it very good.
I am rating you with ten (10) because you are an excelent lady, supporting and helping all your friends without any reflections to personal winnings.
You have a nice family and you all together have a nice and happy family life.

Wish you all the best


You are Greatly Appreciated Katheryn. Enjoy Your PaRtY. It is a Well Honored one for sure..;-) 


Please, Lets All Congratulate Katheryn here for her Most Distiguished Woman Award!!! WTG Katheryn!!

To Nominate YOUR Favorite pick for The Most Distiguished Woman of the Week,, Go to Lee's forum at:

To Vote for YOUR Favorite pick for The Most Distiguished Woman of the Week,, Go to Lee's forum at:

Visit Here every Monday for Our Latest Winner and to Party the week away!!!

To nominate any forum for the Best Forum Award. Please click the below link. Thanks.  (Information, nominations, rules, and regulations regarding the Best Forum Award, Pauline Raina)

Positive and FUN forums to See Every Week here in Adlandpro.


DWOTW is sponsored by.....

Team Work,,,Just Works!!
Great Wholesale items Joelee's!!
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Re: KATHERYN HAIGLER Is Our 13th DWOTW~~Time To PaRtY!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOoooOooHOooOOOO!!!
5/5/2008 10:49:13 AM

Congratulations! Katheryn!!

Katheryn, Enjoy your week here as DWOTW!!

Thank you for all that you are and do for everyone here in our Great Community. You have Many talents to share with us all in Adlandpro. Thank you. Enjoy Your PaRtY This week. WHOOoooHOoooo!!!

This is just awsome and will be a Great week here in Adlandpro!!


Flag of Dimitra Bravou

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Re: KATHERYN HAIGLER Is Our 13th DWOTW~~Time To PaRtY!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOoooOooHOooOOOO!!!
5/5/2008 10:57:45 AM
Hello Sharon,



Enjoy your week.


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Re: KATHERYN HAIGLER Is Our 13th DWOTW~~Time To PaRtY!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOoooOooHOooOOOO!!!
5/5/2008 11:04:16 AM

Hello Sharon and Lee!  What great forum for our Distinguished Women of AdlandPro.  Thanks!

Katheryn, AWESOME Congratulations and Let's Party.  I brought some Fireworks.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

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Re: KATHERYN HAIGLER Is Our 13th DWOTW~~Time To PaRtY!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOoooOooHOooOOOO!!!
5/5/2008 11:07:05 AM

Happy Monday to Everyone!

Thank you, Sharon & Lee, for this great forum. Your hard work is greatly appreciated.

Dear Katheryn,
I'm glad to see you here. Thank you for being a supportive and caring friend to me.
You really deserve this honor.

Congratulations, Katheryn!!!
Have an Fabulous Week!

JoAnne Green 
Principal/International Risk Management Advisor

Integrity + Experience + Dependability

Sunburst International Risk Managementwww.InternationalRiskManagement.comSunburst Worldwide Insurance

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