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Carol Carr

133 Posts
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This Invitation is For YOU !!
3/18/2008 5:57:02 AM

Tuesday March 18th 8:00pm Eastern

Are you ready to go GREEN? Would you like to get educated?
 Register for our Tonight's Informational Business Presentation that outlines the opportunities
available to everyone wanting to make a difference in our world.
 Get educated free online :this is for people that are looking to go green
 but may not be quite sure how or where to start.
 Here are some Toxic Facts:

FACT:  90% of all poison exposures occur in the home

FACT:  20 Million Americans have asthma

FACT:  90% of our time is spent indoors. EPA reports that air pollution is up to five times higher inside than outside

FACT:  The average U.S. household generates more than 20 pounds of hazardous waste each year.

With the growing consciousness concerning "Going Green" and the harmful effects of toxins in the home ...
our team has a online Presentation where industry Leaders come out and talk about going green, getting healthy and helping our planet.

Tuesday, March 18th, 2008 at 8:00PM Eastern
Register at

US and Canadian residents.

Go Green ! Ask me how !

Ready to know more now?  Email me at


See you Tuesday, have a great day.


Carol Carr

Go Green, Get Healthy & Help Our Planet

To Our Success ! Carol Carr Team Leader