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Laila Falck

358 Posts
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The Fast, a prayer
3/5/2008 5:54:16 AM
    Good Morning everybody

For many days now we have had wonderful weather, a bit cold but the sun is there for us, making us feel bright even  on the inside.

And now our Fast has begun. It is  the third day only and I feel different, nearer to God . At such a time  and during 19 days we enjoy a kind of  annual spring spiritually. It gives us strength for the whole year, strength, joy and determination. One eats before sun goes up and after  sunset. This is wholly for the sake of God, not for loosing weight. The whole period  and process is a symbol of one's detachment.It helps us to die a bit from all the world. It is not so difficult. But it is so rewarding. Even if it is for God it is we who benefit from it. Sweet feelings, and gentle breezes from an inscrutable Dimension make you soar after a few days. You come nearer to God or rather you feel the presence of God.

I will give you an example of the prayers we can use during the Fast.This is a middle long one.Others cover page after page and give you still more spiritual delight.

O my God and my Master!
I am Thy servant and the son of Thy servant.
I have risen from my coach at this dawn-tide
when the Day-Star of Thy oneness hath shone forth
from the Day-Spring of Thy will and hath shed it radiance
upon the whole world, according to what had been ordained
in the Books of Thy Decree.
Praise be unto Thee, O my God, that we have wakened to
the splendours of the light of Thy knowledge. Send down upon us,O  my Lord, what will enable us to dispense with anyone but Thee,
and will rid us of all attachment to
aught exept Thyself.
Write down, moreover, for me, and for such as are dear
to me, and for my kindred, man and woman alike, the good of
this world and the world to come.
Keep us safe then, through Thine unfailing protection,
O Thou the Beloved of the entire creation
and the Desire of the whole universe, from them whom Thou hast made to be the manifestations of the evil Whisperer,
who whisper in men's breasts.
Potent art Thou to do Thy pleasure. Thou art, verily the Almighty, the Help in Peril, the Self- Subsisting.
Bless Thou O Lord my God, Him Whom Thou hast set over Thy most excellent Titles, and through Whom Thou hast
divided between the godly and the wicked, and graciously aid us to do what Thou lovest and desirest.
Bless Thou moreover, O my God, them Who are Thy Words
and Letters, and them who have set their faces towards Thee,
and turned unto Thy face, and hearkened to Thy Call.
Thou art, truly, the Lord of all men,
and art potent over all things.


In this prayer we can learn a little about the Faith too. The One intended,"Whom Thou hast set over Thy most excellent Titles" is Bahaullah Himself. Thy Words are His Messengers, Jesus, the Bab and others, the Letters are the Disciples to Them.
We also learn from the beginning of this prayer that Gods Call has gone out to mankind according to what has been promised the Holy Books.
The Books of His Decree. And through this prayer we see indirectly that in this time of radiance  people can choose to hearken to this Call. All will not do this. Therefore it is said people are divided through  Bahaullah. Yes this is so. It has always been like this. This is the dividing of "sheep and goats". But...
...The free will of man  is our  instrument to find the Grace of God in this Divine Springtime.
And I'd say it is better to believe through the grace of God than through His Justice and Judgement which also is promised and has been stressed so much  by fanatical priests as to frighten people unnecessarily.
I hope you will take this prayer to your heart. Even if you will not avoid eating during the day. Maybe you will fast some day in the future.?

Well, today I have to go and visit a friend.

So good bye to you for a while
Take good care of yourself.

Kind regards

"Earth is but one country and mankind it's citizens" "The source of arts and crafts is the power of reflection" Bahá'u'lláh.1817-1892 Founder of the Bahái'Faith
Nick Sym

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Re: The Fast, a prayer
3/5/2008 2:04:40 PM

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Nick Sym

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Re: The Fast, a prayer
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Laila Falck

358 Posts
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Re: The Fast, a prayer
3/6/2008 7:42:32 AM

Hi Nick

Thank you for these two thought provoking and beautiful cards. You are such a good friend.

I am visiting a friend who also loves cats. She has seven Birma type cats, who are just lovely. I will write something again after some days.

Bye for now


"Earth is but one country and mankind it's citizens" "The source of arts and crafts is the power of reflection" Bahá'u'lláh.1817-1892 Founder of the Bahái'Faith

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