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5 Cool Time-Saving Shortcuts for Windows
2/9/2008 9:01:49 AM
Welcome Family, Friends & Visitors...

Today I'm sneaking in as I miss being online!

I still need plenty of rest by the doctor orders, I came in briefly to share a bit of what is going on and of course tips to add to your files. I've been on Yarrow plant for two weeks now and already have a small change in breathing. I'll keep it up as time goes by I too will breath much better like Savanna!

Precious and I has been in training for a week now at my property and we're both doing great. She loves to work and learns real fast, I'm happy to say that she's a calm filly just like her mother! Training is on Monday through Friday for one hour a day and for one month, I enjoy it a lot but do have a bit of a hard time as I'm not doing so well.

Today I'm sharing an article published by Jim Edward
I think you'll really like with many tips for you. It has NOTHING to do with online business, but has everything to do with saving you time and frustration using your computer.

Enjoy the article & tips...

5 Cool Time-Saving Shortcuts for Windows

- by Jim Edwards
© Jim Edwards - All Rights reserved

I think most of us feel that expensive operating systems like Windows can do more things than just keep the computer running, the problem is we don't know what they are!

Well, over the years I've discovered a few shortcuts that rate extremely handy for saving time, recovering from mistakes, or avoiding effort.

Now, a few geeks among us may immediately say I could have read the manual to discover these instead of tripping on them over the years, but that would take out all the fun!

And now dear reader, I pass these magical secrets on to you.

The Ultimate "Do Over" -

Does this sound familiar?

You spend 30 minutes typing up and email message, get ready to hit send, your hand slips, and the message disappears.

You feel a rush of anger, fear and sadness in your gut, take a deep breath, and start typing again.

Next time something like that happens, just hit the "Ctrl+Z" keys and it should undo the last action you took in a web browser, form, word processor, spreadsheet or virtually any other Windows application.

I can't tell you how many times "Ctrl+Z" has pulled my bacon out of the fire when I accidentally hit the wrong button or key.

File Finders -

The more you use your computer, the more files you seem to create and collect.

Often, finding files you already created rates harder than just creating a new one, especially after any significant length of time passes.

Two shortcuts can help you quickly find the files you need with just a few keystrokes.

<Windows>+F -
This combination of the Windows logo key and the F key at the same time launches the Windows Search

This enables you to search for files based on partial filename (because if you could remember the entire filename, you would have found it already), file type (all your MP3 files), contents of the file (I know the spreadsheet contains these words), creation date (I created this file last month), and more.

<Windows>+E -
This allows you to open up the Windows explorer feature in Windows to explore your hard drives, memory sticks, CD and DVD drives.

Windows Explorer makes it very easy to get your hands on a file if you know where it is (or, at least where it should be the last time you used it).

Zoom IN / Zoom OUT -

Okay, I'll admit it.

My eyes seem to suffer from a combination of too much computer time and the slow creeping wheels of Father Time (I'm getting older).

Bottom line: sometimes the words on the screen are just too darn small!

You can solve this problem with <Ctrl>+Mouse Wheel.

Just hold the <Ctrl> key down and roll your mouse wheel up and down to adjust the zoom.

This little shortcut works in many applications, including Word, Internet Explorer, FireFox, and Excel.

Shields Down Captain! -

Ever look down at your task bar and see 20 open windows and realize you need to make your way to the desktop in a hurry?

<Windows>+D will minimize all open windows on your computer to expose your desktop.

Hit the keys again and your open windows spring back to life and allow you to continue working.

I've Got a Case! -

Ever need to convert text to all CAPS, or change to Title Case, or convert to all lower case?

Simply highlight the text in your word processor and hit <Shift>+<F3> to cycle between all caps, lowercase and title case.

This shortcut rates very handy when you don't want to retype blocks of text.

Jim Edwards is a syndicated newspaper columnist and the co-author of an amazing new ebook that will teach you how to use free articles to quickly drive thousands of targeted visitors to your website, affiliate links, or blogs…

Need MORE TRAFFIC to your website or affiliate links?
"Turn Words Into Traffic" reveals the secrets for driving Thousands of NEW visitors to your website or affiliate links… without spending a dime on advertising! Click Here for

Watch for the next tip...

Have yourself a great weekend
Phillip Black

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Re: 5 Cool Time-Saving Shortcuts for Windows
2/9/2008 10:01:58 AM

Hi Florence,

Glad to hear that you're feeling better.  Just as with most things, healing takes time.

Thanks as always for your helpful hints.  These all are quite handy and should save a lot of time.  When you work for yourself, time and how you manage it, can be the difference between success and failure.

Thanks Again My Friend,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
Re: 5 Cool Time-Saving Shortcuts for Windows
2/9/2008 10:25:46 AM
Hi Phil

Thanks to your visit and to your support to my forum! Also, to the encouragement towards my health, it's greatly appreciated and it's a lift to see YOU care.

I'm pleased to read that the tips are helpful to you...

Have a great weekend
Hans Van Der Woerd

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Re: 5 Cool Time-Saving Shortcuts for Windows
2/9/2008 10:35:07 AM

Hello Florence,

I must say that I was not aware of the state of your health, and I wish you a speedy and complete recovery  asap.

Thank you for these tips you past on from Jim Edwards.

I used to subscribe to his ezine but when my computer crashed a few months ago, I kind of lost track of him and it is good to hear that he's still doing his thing and no doubt with the same expertise.

Tanks for this and get well soon.


Hans van der Woerd, MCI This site speaks for itself
Re: 5 Cool Time-Saving Shortcuts for Windows
2/9/2008 10:49:08 AM

Hans, thank you so much to your visit and post!

Unfortunatly I was thinking to getting my horse breathing comfortably that I totally forgot my own health. But with the Yarrow plant herbal tea six times daily, I'm slowly breathing better as time goes by.

You're welcome to the tips and are happy that their helping. Jim Edwards will be around for quite awhile to help webmasters. I always enjoy his newsletter, their very informative!

Thanks to the get well wishes...

Have a Fantastic weekend

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