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Hello and Welcome
1/29/2008 10:02:11 PM
Hello and welcome to my forum. My name is Suzette and I am originally from Jamaica. I get a thrill whenever I hear someone say they have been to Jamaica, going there or plan to go. Which category do you fit in...I would love to know. And so would others.
"Achieve Success With Candles"
Eugene Bonebright

23 Posts
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Re: Hello and Welcome
1/29/2008 10:17:22 PM

WOW  then I will make you feel real good.  I have been there 25 times, my total time there would be about about 2 1/2 years.  It is about my 2nd home.  I have many friends which are like family to me.  Thank you very much, I would love to know more about you

Thank you again

dr gene

dr gene
Eugene Bonebright

23 Posts
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Re: Hello and Welcome
1/31/2008 4:03:45 PM

Thank you Suzette, Thank you very much,  I am a Jamerican, since I have been to Jamaica 25 times since 1996.  I have even been counted in the Jamaican census.  I love the people, hate the humidity, love the sea. the warm clear water makes the beach time just great.

So many stories I could go on for hours and weeks.

Thank you again

dr gene 

dr gene
Re: Hello and Welcome
2/6/2008 8:42:15 PM

wow, 25 times. When I was working at Hedonism II I met quite a few people who have been there numerous times. I once met a gentleman who have been to Jamaica over 30 times...however, whenever he visited he would always just come to the hotel and read. are definitely a Jamamerican  Bravo 

"Achieve Success With Candles"
Eugene Bonebright

23 Posts
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Re: Hello and Welcome
2/6/2008 11:22:15 PM
    I always stay with friends, much better to do that being with the people is the best way to go anywhere learning customs and culture is very interesting.
Thank you again
dr gene
dr gene

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