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Linda Harvey

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Re: Bill Gates : Facts for Students !
2/6/2008 4:06:13 PM

If every person walked the talk,
Can you imagine how it would be?
A world filled with good intentions
That all became reality.

We could count on one another,
And coexist respectfully.
There would be no broken promises,
And no hypocrisy.

We’d have no problem spotting heroes,
They’d be everywhere to see.
Just by looking in the mirror,
We all would find integrity.

If everybody did what’s right,
Most rules we wouldn’t need.
Conscience, trust, and common sense
Would be the things that we’d all heed.

There would be no hurtful actions
In the news that we would read.
Only story, after story
Of yet another noble deed.

And when it came to raising children
With young characters to mold and feed,
The best lessons they could ever learn
Would come by merely following our lead.

If each of us behaved beliefs
There’d be little cause for fear.
All actions would be honorable,
Our values would be clear.

Just by watching what it is we DO,
One could tell what we hold dear.
For our principles would be acts you see,
Not merely words you hear.

It’s a challenging task to Walk the Talk
Every hour, day, and year.
And we ALL can do a better job,
