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Neil Sperling

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Are you a PFH... or a HWG... or.....
1/9/2008 2:06:08 PM
After a year active on Adland it is obvious that there are just a few types of business players found here. I have categorized them this way. PFH, MIA, HWG, FBJ, WTL.

Stands for Players From Heaven. These people are the cream of the crop. These are the ones to learn from, the ones to follow, the ones you want in your business and the ones who are truly good friends even if they are not in your business nor you theirs.

Players From Heaven "know" how to work. They "know" how to focus and learn. They "listen," they "care," they "share," and they help anyone who asks.

Of those traits - "learning" is high on their list of values and they spend time and money improving themselves.... for ever!!!!

They are interested in others. They are Curious about others and hungry to improve themselves.

They make mistakes, and try to learn from those mistakes. They say sorry if they error.

They have the common characteristic that is found in winners in every field. "They are tough minded, yet soft hearted."

They stick to just a few business ventures that "fit" their character, and they spend themselves helping their team reach higher levels of success. They become strong mentors - "teaching teachers, how to teach teachers, to teach!"

Focus with PFH is strong, yet they are flexible enough to bend when the need to bend becomes clear. They build LASTING teams..... even it it takes a long time..... and remember -  "it always takes time to build a team that lasts!"

PFH - they love everyone. Even the ones who never stick around.

Stands for MisInformed Associates. These people are almost the same as PFH's, however they lack the willingness to learn. They do many things correctly, but their action focus is short. Not being willing to learn .... they bounce around in their activities and never really get much done. They stick to a program or just a few - but since they don't spend much time learning, they change their course of actions when the going gets tough, rather than learn the lesson that is there to learn.

They may be short of knowledge on marketing, technology or people skills.... but bottom line- they don't bother to learn.

HWG - Stands for Hopping Wannabee Guru's. These people are also much like PFH as well. They seem to have all the characteristics of PFH however they miss the one thing that is important for long term success. "They do not know how to help people grow as people"..... thus their business success is short term.

Here is how to spot a Hopping Wannabee Guru. They do build a following so when they sign up in a program, a number of people always follow.

Since they do not know how to build a team by teaching and building leaders, it is not long and the enthusiasm for the new program dwindles. The few who follow them have brought a few more followers but very few "new" people are joining.... so the venture becomes dormant.

As soon as the Wannabee Guru sees the business slow in growth, they blame it on the business and they are off on the next latest greatest thing. Again their followers follow... until once again the building slows.... so yet another program keeps them going.

Program hoppers have a small following, thus they always make money - but they never make long term residual income that is possible in one program where the product and service can last.

Why? - Because they have not learned how to be a coach, mentor, teacher!

FBJ- Stands for FreeBee Junkies. These guys have no PFH characteristics. They sign up in every free program going and are excited about all the mud they throw against the wall. Whoopee!

They don't take time to learn, they don't focus, they don't have a clue!

WTL - Stands for Wishful Thinking Losers. These guys are not much different that the FBJ, however they don't even have the stick with it mentality to try more than 3 programs.... write maybe 30 ads. They may surf 20 minutes, place their banner up in 15 places, then add 30 - 100 friends and think something is wrong because they should already be rich.

Don't take me wrong...... although they may be losers when it comes to marketing online, they are still beautiful people..... and I personally love them as they are!

I hope you find some tid bit in this rather bold thread, that helps you in your business. I'm not sure if I fit the PFH fully myself, but I do know I am trying.

Every day brings me another chance to Learn, to DO, to Grow. Hope you find your days the same!

Love Light and Laughter

Neil Sperling

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Nick Sym

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Re: Are you a PFH... or a HWG... or.....
1/9/2008 2:14:39 PM
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Judy Smith

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Re: Are you a PFH... or a HWG... or.....
1/9/2008 3:12:11 PM

Hello fiend and Partner!!

LOL,LOL,LOL!!  I think in the 2 years I have been around I have been all of the above.  So have others, I am sure.  The whole poin is where are we now? 

So, I have a new one for you - PFHSMIA - Player from Heaven sometimes missing in Action.

Nice analogy though and you are RIGHT ON!!!

Blessings, Judy



Re: Are you a PFH... or a HWG... or.....
1/9/2008 3:14:58 PM
Very interesting Neil.

PFH for me, I have always been that type of person, My interest in helping others has always been top priority. I love to learn and learn new things everyday.


The Success Community
Neil Sperling

1645 Posts
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Re: Are you a PFH... or a HWG... or.....
1/9/2008 3:26:20 PM
Nick my friend...... always a smile, a funny story or a picture that fits the thread. You amaze me my friend...... You're a true Player From Heaven and I'm glad to have you as a friend!

Love Light and Laughter

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