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Tim Southernwood

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Get A Glimpse Into Your FUTURE!
12/4/2007 10:45:05 AM

Hi everyone,

Sorry for the lengthy lapse in my posts. I know that many of you enjoyed and some even relied on the great motivational posts that I was sharing from my most favorite mentors, Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy, etc...

I just have to say I've been so preoccupied with the creation of my own website/company that I have neglected most other things.

So it's very strange that this would come to my attention at this time, but it made such an impact on me.. causing me to consider my activities in a very different light, that I felt I would be doing all of my friends and faithful readers an disservice if I did not share it.

But BEFORE I do share it I want you to consider time and what it means to this very moment. What is most important to you, what are your pressures, what are you laying aside to do later because of time pressures?
I ask that you look very closely at this website, and also complete the additional features included. I know I found it personally humbling to get a glimpse of what my future holds.

Go here now and consider TIME

And then please come back and post what you discovered.

Tim Southernwood/Get eH² Packs!/BlogNet Awards We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act but a habit - Aristotle
Tim Southernwood

839 Posts
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Re: Get A Glimpse Into Your FUTURE!
12/4/2007 10:55:42 AM

Sorry people,

I forgot to point out the link just below the spinning world graphic.
Please follow that link.



Tim Southernwood/Get eH² Packs!/BlogNet Awards We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act but a habit - Aristotle
Joelees Wholesale

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Re: Get A Glimpse Into Your FUTURE!
12/4/2007 11:11:22 AM

Hi Tim,

I like the V-Clock  lol age 14.5  very cool Thank you for sharing very intertaining  Gods speed :-) Lee

Tim Southernwood

839 Posts
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Re: Get A Glimpse Into Your FUTURE!
12/4/2007 12:02:51 PM

Uhh Lee,

You're supposed to be HONEST when you take that test! lol

I was happy to see that I came out younger than my actual years though.

This is something that will definitely APPEAL to the Ladies ;-)

Thanks for posting

Tim Southernwood/Get eH² Packs!/BlogNet Awards We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act but a habit - Aristotle
Amanda Martin-Shaver

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Re: Get A Glimpse Into Your FUTURE!
12/4/2007 12:20:20 PM
Hello Tim,

Biological age:   52
Virtual age:       36.4
Life expectancy: 91.6

I was fascinated how quickly the birth, death, internet
etc population - it was almost spinning..

Kind regards


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