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12/3/2007 11:07:57 AM

Dear Friends of Radio:

We at TGAMM FM and BCN News will be the first to acknowledge that feathers have been ruffled this year by some of what we presented. As we have always stated, the news we provide is always based on materials presented by other viable and credible sources here on the internet; it is not just ours and ours alone. It goes without saying that some news stories we read are taken personally, especially when in business news, the readers are somehow directly or in-directly connected to the subject matter of that which is being reported on. We can speak from experience when the news about music use for on line radio stations hit the internet, and how music was going to be taxed and made unavailable in 2008 if the tax was not paid for; those stations on the internet who still engaged in this non-paying practice would be fined or shut down. Little did our readers  and listeners  know that this did not apply to TGAMM, as we are governed within a music use agreement for the next ten years.

As we prepare for Monday and the beginning of yet another work week, as well as the beginning of a new month - the last one for 2007, we here at the radio station would like to suggest that each us reach out to those we have had issues with or where arguments and misunderstanding created a less than positive atmosphere within those relationships, settle our differences, set aside our feelings, and  once again, begin anew. 

It would be to everyone's advantage, we believe, to do this.

Let's enter into the next new year with the power of forgiveness showering each of us with its blessings.Where misunderstanding ensued, clean the slate, so to speak, and lets begin this new year with a new agenda, one that promotes charity, unity, and a deep sense of fraternity among all who are members of adlandpro and other business and social communities.

Thanks for the gift of your friendship and may peace be with you now and in the future.

Go Post Here......

Joe Buccheri

Vernon Browne

John Carey.... and the entire team at TGAMM FM Radio

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