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Joelees Wholesale

5917 Posts
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Re: My Facebook
11/29/2007 9:42:18 AM

Hi Richard ,

Thank you for the invite, I spent time this morning trying to find out how I became a Vampire  Good to see you there  enjoy your day Gods speed :-) Lee

Ron Dickman

90 Posts
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Are you managing to keep her away form boys
11/29/2007 11:00:15 AM
I have a 13 yr old grandaughter, who is boy crazy,, I keep telling her that boys are trouble,but she won't listen, she stays with me a lot. Any one got any advise? She is a member of my space,,but does not visit it very often..
To YOUR Success Take Care Ron Dickman
Richard Howell

11 Posts
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Re: My Facebook
11/29/2007 11:05:22 AM
Hi Lee,

Don't forget to join the "Facebook Marketing" group at Facebook.

After all, even "vampires" can laugh all the way to the bank.  LOL

Take Care,
Joelees Wholesale

5917 Posts
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Re: Are you managing to keep her away form boys
11/29/2007 11:19:17 AM

Hi Ron,

Oh at 13 you can not tell them anything they do not know already lol , Ours at 13 was also boy crazy all one can do is know she was raised well, build trust and always keep in the know { who, what, where, when and the main Why } with communications open minded, constant Talk & Listen. ours now at almost 16 is more concentrating on her future college & career . Gods speed :-) Lee

Re: My Facebook
11/30/2007 9:07:20 AM
Haven't joined yet but I am planning to.  Will look you up.