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The Science of getting Rich
11/26/2007 6:04:08 AM

Dear friends, dear adlanders and my dear members,

after messing up my forum completely, I had to take the time to think and do my usual work. Which gives me a tremendous value in my life. By definition I'm a lab rat.

And "Eureka", I did not run naked through our village, but got behind my machine and hit the keyboard. Because I realized,I'm a rich person already and most of you all are also rich, may be richer as you be aware of as this moment.

As I see you are behind a computer, you own one? You can read ? You can write, you can afford the time you spend to surf around. You can think and decide what is good for you and what isn't , when you are hungry you get up to the fridge and have a choice, because he is filled. And still you are searching, day after day, looking for what? Money? What does it gives you more, what value does it add you your life now?

One simple formula, count your blessings and you are rich in the next moment.

And now the surprise, there is of course a enormous difference from being rich or having the live you desire. This is your chance to step in the gigantic opportunity to learn, explore,feel ,sense, it doesn't matter which expression I choose to make you aware of  the choice to live your dreams.

Please challenge me, yes I messed up the forum and I messed up very often in my life, but I never quit and I'm still live my dream every day.

Wish you all the best,





Mary Hofstetter

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Re: The Science of getting Rich
12/1/2007 10:33:33 AM

Hi Bernd,

Messing up is the way  we learn.  Sorry, we have to go through that process but making mistakes  causes us to do more reasoning and thinking.

It is a course we attend to everyday unless we want to stagnate, called LIFE 101.  The course is not free and takes a lot of persistance to move ahead in life's issues.

Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand.”  Chinese proverb


As an English  second language person you are to be admired. Now about your forum, you will of course leave everything thread even tho few may read or post.  It is a building process.

Every  great painting started with one brush stroke, each song began with one note.  You just keep creating and we all will learn together to understand the world and ourselves.


Re: The Science of getting Rich
12/1/2007 11:35:54 AM

Hi Mary,

message understood.

Don't feed a hungry man, learn him to fish, I guess this source is Chinese too.


many thanks


Pauline Raina

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Re: The Science of getting Rich
12/1/2007 12:05:57 PM
Hi Bernd,

Yes the mess ups can teach us if we are wise to learn!!

As an artist holds his palet in his hand with the blobs of paint placed randomly, yet its from those uncomely  blobs of paint of different hues, he makes a masterpiece for the world to relish, so is our lives I guess, we are being moulded as our creator intended!!

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and for making us think too!


Pauline R
Re: The Science of getting Rich
12/1/2007 4:10:24 PM

Hi Pauline,

Again I have to express my gratitude and my respect to a busy and caring lady.

This I do with joy and pleasure in my heart, because it feels good being one of the adland family. It strengthens my creative urge to write, not only stories my whirling life has survived, also the metaphysical approach of life itself.

Even if I put myself in a vulnerable position, I like to paint the masterpiece which I cherish in my mind. With all the friendly support of the adland friends and the colors given, one day it will be finished. Then, please accept it as a present. 

with best wishes

