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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Person Of The Week
Re: Congratulations to the winner of the 121st Person of the Week!!!
11/19/2007 1:36:59 PM

Congratulations, Beryl!

I'm a little late, I've been busy the past few weeks.  I'm so glad to see you as the POTW!  You really deserve this, in return for all the encouragement you give your friends here!  Have a wonderful week and a Happy Thanksgiving!

Sharon Lee

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Re: Congratulations to the winner of the 121st Person of the Week!!!
11/19/2007 1:45:35 PM

Wow!! What a story Beryl, I did not know!! You are strong and so full of courage and I KNOW who gave you that in your life. Keep your faith and it shall stengthen you forever!!

WTG Beryl!! About time you are here. Have Lots of fun this week as we celebrate your POTW my friend. You deserve this and much more for all you do for everyone in Adlandpro!!


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Beryl Payton

2592 Posts
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Re: Congratulations to the winner of the 121st Person of the Week!!!
11/19/2007 1:53:14 PM

Hi Val,

You are right my friend, a pic is worth a thousand words.  Don't worry, I will be back at that lovely forum of yours real soon seeing what else I can snitch from you and Judy.

How are the new calves?  I am so honored that you stopped by and for all your kind sentiments.  I have missed you lately, but we have all been busy.  Take a look below at where I am working from these days.

   funny9.gif picture by jeana900



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