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Linda Harvey

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Re: Whole Food Farmacy !
2/26/2008 10:25:41 PM

Nutrition is the leading contributor to weight loss. It is imperative that you stay conscious of what goes into your body. The quality of food you eat is directly reflected in your body's appearance, as well as your overall health. No amount of exercise can counterbalance a poor diet.

Here are some recommendations for lasting weight loss:

1. Do not drastically cut calories. They are your body's energy and necessary for it to function efficiently. What you can do is limit the empty calories. These come from foods with little or no nutrients. If some of the leading ingredients are flour, high fructose corn syrup, sugar or partially hydrogenated oils, you can bet the food does not support your health or weight loss.

2. Keep junk foods out of sight, and out of mind. When ice cream is in the freezer or potato chips are calling to you from the pantry, they are hard to ignore. Keep healthy snacks that satisfy your cravings close by. If you have a sweet tooth, strawberries should do the trick. If you crave crunchy or salty foods, keep carrots or a variety of nuts in stock.

3. Do not drink your calories. Soda, juice, coffee filled with creamer and alcohol can contain a ton of calories. By sticking to tea and water you can cut hundreds of calories each day. By simple cutting out a couple high-calorie beverages daily, you can lose several pounds.

4. Make fitness a priority. If exercise is something that's done only when you have the time, chances are that it will not happen very often. Make fitness a priority and schedule it on your calendar like you would a lunch date or a doctor's appointment. Find what works best for you and stick to it. The best time might be first thing in the morning before the kids wake up, or in the afternoon when they nap. You may find that exercising with your child works best. Whatever time of day or type of exercise you choose, it is important to be consistent. Make it a priority and a habit.

5. Every little bit counts. Getting in shape does not require a daily two-hour commitment at the gym. Something as simple as an afternoon walk around the neighborhood with the stroller, or squatting and lunging as you hold your baby can make a big difference.

6. Change your mindset. Developing a positive attitude towards weight loss and health is absolutely necessary if you want to be successful. It has been proven over and over again that the mind and body work closely together. When your mind is saying exercise is a miserable chore, that's most likely what it will feel like every time you do. When your thoughts dwell on the excess weight, your body is carrying with it a hopeless attitude that will undoubtedly make the pounds harder to lose. Many people find that positive affirmations help. When you exercise, tell yourself that you are becoming a thinner and healthier person. The more you do this and believe it, the more likely it is to actually be true. As you are eating your balanced diet of whole grains, fruits and vegetables, don't think about the junk food you are missing out on. Instead, think of how fit you are becoming by feeding your body what it needs to become its best.

7. Find inspiration that works for you. Some may want to lose the weight so they can fit into their pre-pregnancy clothes. Others may want to get healthy to reduce their risk of heart disease and diabetes so they have a better chance of being around longer for their children. Still others may need a role model or visual picture of someone they want to emulate. Motivations for getting in shape are unique. Figure yours out and use it to keep you going.

8. Get help. Fitness and nutrition can seem overwhelming at times. Using online resources and hiring a fitness coach can be very beneficial. Having a personal trainer who is knowledgeable about postpartum exercise will provide safe and effective workouts, as well as hold you accountable to regular exercise.

It only takes minor lifestyle adjustments to have a noticeable impact on both your physique and your health. You can do things as simple as changing breakfast from white bread toast with margarine to whole grain toast with a thin spread of natural peanut butter. Adding as little as 5-10 minutes a day of physical activity to your daily routine can facilitate gains in weight loss and improve health. Most of our daily routine is simply habit. Creating new habits takes just a little bit of time, and can be completely life changing.

Tatum Rebelle is the owner of Total Mommy Fitness and a certified personal trainer. She is certified in prenatal and postnatal fitness by the American Council on Exercise (ACE) as well as other health and wellness specialties. She's previously been a personal trainer at 24 Hour Fitness in Scottsdale, AZ and Dallas, TX and Fit for Life in Fort Worth.

Linda Harvey

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Re: Whole Food Farmacy !
2/26/2008 10:26:11 PM
3. Do not drink your calories. Soda, juice, coffee filled with creamer and alcohol can contain a ton of calories. By sticking to tea and water you can cut hundreds of calories each day. By simple cutting out a couple high-calorie beverages daily, you can lose several pounds.
Linda Harvey

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Re: Whole Food Farmacy !
2/26/2008 10:27:47 PM
2. Keep junk foods out of sight, and out of mind. When ice cream is in the freezer or potato chips are calling to you from the pantry, they are hard to ignore. Keep healthy snacks that satisfy your cravings close by. If you have a sweet tooth, strawberries should do the trick. If you crave crunchy or salty foods, keep carrots or a variety of nuts in stock.
Linda Harvey

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Re: Whole Food Farmacy !
2/27/2008 2:18:56 PM

How about a Date?

Dates are a great source of dietary fiber. The American Cancer Society recommends that you consume 20-35 grams of dietary fiber a day. Dietary fiber comes in two forms – soluble and insoluble. Each serves a valuable function. Insoluble fiber increases the rate at which food moves through the digestive system. Soluble fiber may help control diabetes by decreasing elevated blood glucose levels. Soluble fiber also had been found to help lower serum cholesterol levels, particularly undesirable low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.

According to researchers at the University of Scranton in Scranton Pennsylvania, they have the highest concentration of polyphenols among dried fruits. The findings of this research suggest that dried fruits should be a greater part of the diet as they are dense in phenol antioxidants and nutrients, most notably fiber.

A serving of power-packed dates contains 31 grams of carbohydrates, making them a powerhouse of energy. Carbohydrates include 3 grams of dietary fiber and 29 grams of naturally occurring sugars such as fructose, glucose and sucrose to provide quick energy and are readily used by the body. Dates are a perfect energy boosting snack.

Dates are one of the best natural sources of potassium. Potassium is an essential mineral your body needs to maintain muscle contractions including the vital heart muscle. Potassium is needed to maintain a healthy nervous system and to balance the body’s metabolism as well.

Since potassium is not stored in the body, and much is lost in perspiration, it must be continually replenished. As you consume potassium you excrete sodium, helping to keep blood pressure down. As people age, their kidneys become less efficient at eliminating sodium. About a 400 mg increase in potassium intake has been associated with a 40% reduction in the risk of stroke. This roughly amounts to one additional serving daily of Dates.

Dates also contain a variety of B-complex vitamins – thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B-6 and pantothenic acid. These vitamins have a variety of functions that help maintain a healthy body – to metabolize carbohydrates and maintain blood glucose levels, fatty acids for energy, and they help make hemoglobin, the red and white blood cells. Dates also contain Magnesium which is essential for healthy bone development and for energy metabolism and Iron which is essential to red blood cell production. Red blood cells carry all the nutrients to cells throughout the body. In addition, Dates are fat and cholesterol free!

Organic Phi Plus, Organic Cranberry Phi and Organic Coco Cherry Phi are among the most popular of Wholefood Farmacy foods.  These foods are made from dozens of organic whole food ingredients and are very rich in Dates.  Have you had your Phi Plus today?

Visit The Wholefood Farmacy
Linda Harvey

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Re: Whole Food Farmacy !
2/27/2008 3:03:53 PM
"Whole fruit is the best choice for fiber plus heart-healthy antioxidants such as vitamin C and A, plus beta carotene. Choose the deepest, richest colors of orange (mango, cantaloupe, oranges) and red (cherries, strawberries raspberries) and blue (blueberries, blackberries)."

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