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Ana Maria Padurean

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Re: Sarah Who?
10/11/2007 4:56:42 AM
Hello Sarah Who?! :-D LOL

Sorry I can't help myself; it sounds so nice and funny! Hope you won't mind!

Thank you for the very interesting intro about you! Some I already know from... hm, I cannot remember but that doesn't matter! I love your sense of humor, which I feel hidden somewhere! LOL

For sure you had a very interesting and eventful life so far! ... and as you love "improving" yourself I'm sure it will be the same from now one! :-)

 Cool Graphics at

Wish you all the best with whatever you're going to dream in every domain of your life and with your forums, which are going to be interesting as well for sure.

With lots of friendship,
Sarah Pritchard

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Re: Sarah Who?
10/11/2007 12:21:30 PM
Hello Sara,

Thanks for coming by and for your lovely comments.

I love Agatha Christie too. Books, films, plays.

I went to see Mouse Trap in London a number of years ago (and no I won't tell who did it!)

I'll try to keep you informed if I get the hang of everything here!

Best wishes &
for coming by.

ps Did you visit the other thread?  I started my thought sharing with a poem.
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Sarah Pritchard

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Re: Sarah Who?
10/11/2007 12:45:48 PM
Hello Valerie,

Thanks for coming by and for your enthusiasm.

One of the things that held me back (apart from a small friends list) was that I was worried about having enough time to dedicate to a forum, but then I realised that most people here are very busy people and they all manage to give of their time.

So, as I'm a woman of action as well as words, I decided to go for it.

As for the Reiki, it means Universal Life Energy and is a technique for transferring healing energy from a giver to a receiver. As a Reiki, I act as a channel for the energy to flow through, to wherever it is most needed in the receiver.  This can be on a physical, spiritual, mental or emotional level.

Put basically, it is healing and harmony through the hands.  In fact, I believe that is part of the title of a Reiki book, if I remember rightly.

Cats absolutely love it.

My Daddy called it his special cuddles.  Hence Angel Cuddles.

Lots of love,
Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs
Valerie Clavin

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Re: Sarah Who?
10/11/2007 12:50:40 PM


  Interesting, how would one learn more about the technique. Is it hard to learn?

 I can't help but wonder if some of this we do naturally without thinking - hugs for example, rubbing anothers should when in pain.

 Your forum is going to be fun Sarah!!!


Valerie Clavin


Hugs - Priceless

Sarah Pritchard

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Re: Sarah Who?
10/11/2007 12:53:42 PM
Hello Ana Maria,

Thank you for coming by.

Thanks for your amusing hello to Sarah Who!

Red roses are my favourite flower too.

I'll keep you informed of when I update.

Got to rush off to tea now.

Catch you later.


Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs