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Jenny SJ

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Re: Art Exhibition at Adlandpro #19
10/13/2007 6:13:50 AM
Hello Rose and Luis Miguel,

Rose I am glad to hear that your workload is getting close to something normal at last!  

And Luis Miguel,  I really hope that you are enjoying your exhibition as much as your visitors.

And folks, don't forget to check out Luis Miguel's Great Art of The Worl Forum  (link on first pàge)  It is really excellent too.

Take Care
Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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Re: Art Exhibition at Adlandpro #19
10/13/2007 12:58:30 PM

Dear Jenny,

Yes I am enjoying my exhibition, and much more than I ever dreamed! I only regret the lack of time that has prevented me from thanking some people for the wonderful and insightful commentaries they have made about it, on the one hand, and most specially you for your incredible collaboration, on the other.

And Rose, there is nothing to forgive, since everything rested in so capable hands as Jenny's in the end.

I am enormously grateful to the both of you.

Best Wishes,

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Re: Art Exhibition at Adlandpro #19
10/14/2007 1:10:18 PM

Hello again, Luis Miguel, I am glad you are enjoying your exhibit.  It is not often an artist gets to display their work and actually hear the feedback.  It is very encouraging and makes one want to go out and paint another picture!  I hope it has inspired you to do just that.

Rose and Jenny put a lot of work into this and we thank them for their support of other artists.  Rose, I have missed it somewhere, so bring me up-to-date, what are your big plans going on??

Have a good day everyone and enjoy the artwork.


Steven Suchar

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Re: Art Exhibition at Adlandpro #19
10/14/2007 2:55:05 PM
"Thank You Rose"

Hi Luis! are such a talented artist. :)  At first glance, they appear to be photographs.  So life-like and beautiful.  Keep up your wonderful works. lol

Have a pleasant day...your OREO friend Steven.

Things are beautiful if you love them.
Jean Anouilh

Rose Enderud

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Re: Art Exhibition at Adlandpro #19
10/14/2007 5:32:08 PM
Hello Sara,

Getting feedback does indeed make you want to paint some more.

I think Luis was the first of our "big plans". If they all come through for us we have several artist already commited to exhibitions for the second year. Luis was the perfect choice to kick it off.
