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Linda Harvey

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Re: OK Oklahoma ! I hope New Mexico is next !
10/6/2007 12:41:59 AM
I hope more states take actions ! 30% of all Federal Prison inmates are illegal aliens. http://transcriptscnncom/TRANSCRIPTS/06 04/01/ldt.01.html It would be cheaper to pay their country to incarcerate their criminals, deport them and pay a fee for each year they are kept incarcerated for their crimes ! We would come out ahead.
Amanda Martin-Shaver

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Re: OK Oklahoma ! I hope New Mexico is next !
10/6/2007 1:52:46 AM
Hello Linda,

wow that amount of Tax dollars spent on the
illegals is staggering.

I am a legal permanant resident alien, I wonder
if I can expect assistance?? Oh wait english is my
primary and only language! I don't qualify!!

In all honesty, illegal aliens do make my blood
boil because it cost me a lot of money to live
here, and they get to enjoy benefits and luxuries
that American's who were born to American parents
can not get..

I am glad that one State has made a stand and
we can only hope other States will stand behind
Oklahoma in support and it spreads across the

Linda Harvey

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Re: OK Oklahoma ! I hope New Mexico is next !
10/6/2007 11:58:34 AM
Amanda, Thanks, agree. It is not the legal aliens that did it all the long and costly way, paperwork, etc. It is the illegal aliens and the habitual criminal ...... that are costing us our tax dollars in a way many do not understand. Have a great weekend, Linda

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