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Meg Kelly

25 Posts
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Re: Social Networking Business Communities
12/11/2007 12:51:59 PM


I too was taken aback when I found out I had limited access in DM. I have a small on line biz and my plan was to try and promote it on DM.

I felt that I was misled and after 100's of contacts which I lost most of when I upgraded.

yes,I up graded and have actually increased my on line sales by over 500%

I don't overly promote Dm but use it to increase my sales and promote my on line ops.

It did take biting the bullet but I know how much it costs every month and I have almost 1 million contacts that are real.

should you reconsider let me know and I will help you. But I do feel your anger regarding the false pretense.


Re: Social Networking Business Communities
2/2/2008 10:48:09 AM
Hi Trina, I am new at Adlandpro and I finally got to the forums.  Anyhow, I selected yours to read first and stumbled upon one of your old posts about Directmatches.  Your description of directmatches is the EXACT SAME THING as I experienced.  Once I realized that I would HAVE to UPGRADE I thought how decieving the company can be.  I always believe that if you want a customer's dollar then show then what they can do for the customer.  The buying the membership comes naturally.  I also am having the same experience with RYZE.  Although after about 2 weeks with the free membership they upgraded me for a week's trial.  It makes a big difference with the upgrade with the amount of things that you can do for your business with others.  However, I still have not upgraded with any networking service as of today.  I am going to look into the ones that you listed above.
Anyways, thanks for listening...

Trina Sonnenberg

784 Posts
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Re: Social Networking Business Communities
2/3/2008 11:11:53 AM
Right now I am going through my annual, trim the fat, process. Each year, I go through my web site, redesign it and delete things I no longer find useful to share. DirectMatches is one of those programs that got cut. I closed my account there, sent them a message as to why, and that was that.

Many more programs and memberships will hit the cutting room floor, so keep your eye out for my announcement pertaining to the annual re-launch of TLC Promotions.

Incidentally, FaceBook is also going to lose me as a member. I find the place to be too much of a distraction, and riddled with foolishness.
Trina L.C. Sonnenberg Freelance Commercial Writer TLC Promotions & The Trii-Zine Ezine ISSN 1555-2276

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