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Michael Caron

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Re: When Earth Is Looking!
11/19/2007 4:44:05 PM
Hi Anamaria,
  This picture is fascinating.  I will be back to check out your other forums, however this one single picture says a lot.  No matter how deep you go below the surface, whether it be Earth or our Ocean, when a huma or mammal is looking for help which direction do they look?  Up.  A wolf bays at the moon, our first tenants of the land that we now call America, planted seeds for their crops and then had a ceremony looking towards the clouds and praying for rain to nurture their crops,  our Native Americans along with several other cultures throughout the world, when a woman gave birth, the chief of the tribe would take the child, raise that child above his head and pray to the Master for a healthy life for that child.  Those that say that there is no GOD, in times of imminent danger, will look towards the skies for some type of invisible intervention.  Therefore "When Earth is Looking" is an excellent title for this forum.  I look forward to your other forums. 


Michael J. Caron (Mike) TRUTH IN ADVERTISING!! Friends First. Business Later.

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