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1 this a legit site ?
9/17/2007 11:09:50 PM

I was told to finish my enrolling in powerof10, which I really didin't enroll in to begin with. I did look at the powerof10 website info,but backed off before signing up and submitting any credit card info. So I am a little suspicious of the e-mail that was asking me to go to piggy-ebank and complete the enrollment page.  Later, I read some of the comments from people on here that were saying that powerof10 was a legitimite site and on the up and up, so I proceeded on to piggy-ebank......When on the site I became a little suspicious of The 'read-me' "agreement" section. It seemed a little peculiar , showing nothing in the box that came up when I clicked on "agreement"...just a blank box ???.... I went ahead anyway when I found another statement on the website that told of all the requirements and liability etc., seemed legit...The info included the cost of each transaction and it seemed legit...I went ahead and filled in the info pages.They didn't ask for a social security #  but did ask for a drivers license #......

The page froze after I submitted the info...... I have heard nothing back from piggy-ebank ???

Should I be concerned and for theft is a drivers license all that is needed, when combined with a home address ?


Re: this a legit site ?
9/22/2007 10:14:43 PM
COME ON FOLKS....Somebody ? Anybody know anything about htis site ?
Beef Sloan

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Re: this a legit site ?
11/18/2007 11:18:09 AM
Hi Alen,
I have put our team of researchers on this and will provie you with our results when available.

Always to your Success,

Author: Life vs Death
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Beef Sloan

382 Posts
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Re: this a legit site ?
11/18/2007 11:25:04 AM

Hello Alan,

Allow me to introduce myself, I am Beef and have been marketing on the internet for sometime now.  I also love to help others be successful with their online marketing efforts.  I am part of a group of people that also love to help others become successful.  You can find us at Community Marketing University (CMU7), it is free to join and all the training is free.  You will also find some important tools you need to be Successful on the internet also free.


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Always to your Success,

Author: Life vs Death
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