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Re: Uvme Scam or Opportunity
5/25/2008 5:57:36 AM

Was just curious about your statement "you've made money." That is a rather nebolous statement..How much have you made and in what period of time?

I really don't know anyone making consistently big money, except a few people that were at the top from the very beginning...

I don't see the average person spending several hundred bucks upfront plus $65 a month to play games online when there are other gaming sites that don't charge, but I could be wrong...

It reminds me of the all the new social networking website deals that have recently launched..once all the mlm'er piles in and recruit a few MLM friends, the growth comes to a halt because the average person isn't going to spend $30 a month when there are hundreds of more heavily trafficked social networking websites that give them FREE websites and exposure...

All nice ideas, but in my opinion are nothing more than short term money games...

Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Uvme Scam or Opportunity
7/1/2008 11:24:55 AM

Marilyn, thank you for some of your thoughts.  This forum started before UVME was a "live" business.  We were investigating the truth presented on the pre-registar site.  Probably one of the statements on that site was that on line games are making money that none have been able to prove.

The statements made here are mainly thoughts of concern which everyone feels before a program is up and running. So yes, one could say they "know nothing about".  They aren't members and have experienced none of what you have experienced.

As with any business, many will join and never work, some will work for awhile and then quit.  This is not new as statements are made that internet business will fail at the rate of about 97%.

What is the defition of making money?  I collected money  with uvme but it was  not profit.  If one does not collect enough to pay the monthly fee then there is no profit, thus no money made. If I purchased more than one site @ 199, then it would take even longer to clear a profit.  Two people playing $20 of games on a site generates only a couple of dollars. If you are making profit, that's great, but for many it is not plausiable.

One has a hard time explaining why people with several thousand downline, laid down the business and walked away.  They too must not have realized a profit.  That is the bottom line, no profit then its time to walk. 

The question here is: "Is uvme a scam" and the answer still remains no.  However, profit is our goal.  Can the average network marketer make a profit.  Yes for some and no for the majority.

Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Uvme Scam or Opportunity
7/1/2008 11:26:02 AM
K.C. Thanks for posting and I included response to some of your ideas in the prvious post addressed to Marilyn.
Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Uvme Scam or Opportunity
8/11/2008 9:25:49 PM

UVME the company is still growing and adding to the site.  They have made adjustments to the compensation plan as so few were making money.

Altho the company seems to be on the up and up, representatives in the form of affiliates seem to be  a little over overboard on the advertisement.  One I just read said " Only the next 1,000 people can join"----wait a minute since when did UVME the company suggest there be a limit as to the number of people who can join.

Another site promises 900 pounds or $1,800 a month income.  Any Adlanders still in UVME pulling in that much money?  We have no idea of your success as all advertising has ceased on Adlandpro.

Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Uvme Scam or Opportunity
10/20/2008 8:52:03 AM

As you will see I started this forum a  little over a year ago. At that time I was excited and promoting heavily to build a business. 

I felt I did my part by building a team of several thousand  while I waited and waited for the launch.  From then on everything was downhill, delayes, people dropping off, big time promoters just walking away and leaving big teams. I stuck with them thinking the company was suffering the growing pains of a business that was too complicated. has a posting which says it better than I can.  The company did not deliver, monthly they took out fees til my fast start bonus was almost depleted.  Even tho I followed the directions I was given by the home office, I did not receive the hard earned money as a refund when I left.

Is uvme a scam.  Ask all those who left?

My apologies to all I offended here by over promoting and of course I grieve for those I deceived into thinking it was going to be a good business.  We are always on the learning curve.

