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Mary Hofstetter

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Uvme Scam or Opportunity
8/29/2007 5:55:01 PM Your thoughts about uVme would be appreciated here. In doing our research into this program, all the pros and cons need to be considered. ******************************************************* Frequently Asked questions Q. Why does uVme only recruit associates. A. There are no games to play yet. We are building our business for the next 4 months. Q. Who owns uVme? A. Len Fitgerald and Tom Brodie Q. Why would you trust them to be legit A. They have 5 years experience in internet marketing and are owners of VWD, successful elottery business. There are 150,000 members and doing well. Q. Why are costs hidden. A. Cost are in the plan, register and the business plan is available. This enables the promoter to make plans for payment for the first month. If one does not have enough foundation to build a business, they would not join. ********************************************************** Leave any other questions here and an answer will be located to help you.  ******************************************************** Not a member of Adlandpro? Join now.
Re: Uvme Scam or Opportunity
8/29/2007 7:03:59 PM


My opinion on Uvme is that your charges for the program aren't up front and you won't know what its going to cost until you get into it.  It is not free.

Patsy Posey
Re: Uvme Scam or Opportunity
8/29/2007 7:06:46 PM

Dear Mary:

Thank you for this forum. As you can see here ( WWW.TGAMM.COM )

we have a client that has purchased a front page postion with us to help them promote this company. Our Interns are also working it as well and look forward to being able to get in on the many games coming there.

All the best,

John Carey / General Sales Manager


Re: Uvme Scam or Opportunity
8/29/2007 7:29:02 PM

Hi Mary,  Dianne here,   I am in UVme too. 

It is definitely a legit opportunity,  believe me I had fallen for most scams my first year online.  Now I can spot them a mile away :)  

It will be a great business to be in, like the movie on the site shows, this is the wave of the future & online gaming certainly isn't going anywhere. 

I tried to ignore it, as I have other bizs, I need to focus on, but I knew it would be a great opportunity, & not one to be missed.

Although it is Free while still in Pre-games stage, the only slight downside is that the monthly subscription when it happens will be in Euros, ouch!  Only because our New Zealand dollar is quite low at the moment, so you can pretty much triple it compared to theirs.

But then that will be a bonus when getting paid, so it evens itself out...

Have a great day, :)

Dianne from NZ.


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Re: Uvme Scam or Opportunity
8/29/2007 8:00:12 PM

Hi Mary

I am an E-lottery and  Uvme Member but I do not promote Uvme. I have never liked pre launch programs as they nearly all fail and you do not really know what you are promoting and when everyone is promoting the same thing your chances of making good money are less..

Mary I am a member of a similar program also through The Syndicate Club.

Mary the Syndicate Club is similar and in my opinion better than E-lottery.

I have recruited a down line over 60 in 6 months. The Syndicate Club also give you the type of options that Uvme is promising.  I have chosen not to promote them as I feel gambling can cost some people more money than they can afford. To me lotto is better as it is fixed cost every week. 

See the The Syndicate Club presentation or join at

Note; if you are promoting a lotto or gambling program it is also good to know what your competitors are offering or to also offer more choice to your site visitors.

Mary hope this helps...

Regards Michael Clayton

