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Sharon Lee

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Re: SCAMS - what should you do before you may get into trouble?
9/14/2007 3:31:31 PM

Thanks for the resources. I have read the google black book as you call it and is interesting.

There are no get rich quick out there and this is true. But a well respected business and dedication and work will bring you a great residual income year after year. Be choosy and look before you leap.

I do not ever relie on because they have been very inaccurate in the past. They note angry people who have joined innocent reputable business and did not WORK it. People expect money to fall on their laps with no effort and that will never happen. We all must WORK...;-)

Thanks for the share.

Boris Chistyakov

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Re: SCAMS - what should you do before you may get into trouble?
9/29/2007 2:02:44 PM

Sharon Lee you are right that most SCAM reports come from people who expect to buy whole world after they invest in product  which is supposed to teach them how to make money online.

Their expectations are high, and i think the reason to all this are the real scams which tell us that money can be made in a matter of seconds without hard work.

"Get your free ready professionally designed website for ...$ and start making money" - Now how does this sound?Sounds good deal to me!Okay i then buy the product and relying on seller's promises which sound to good to be true, send website to search engines to index and - NOTHING HAPPENS.

You know why?It is because the product seller forgot(yeah right) to mention in his Terms Of Sevice or whatever about advertising and promoting the website he is selling.So basically what you get is just a website, which same customers like you have also, but struggle to make money with it.

Do you know Adwords?Yahoo?MSN Adcenter?If yes - good for you, but what with recently entered people into affiliate marketing who don't know a thing about it?

Well the website seller doesn't care about this.All he cares is about money.

Here is another example:"I have made 5000$ in 3 hours without Pay-Per-Click Advertising , posting in forums or blogs!!!So i have created this ebook which i supposed to be selling at XX dollars but if you act fast, it will be yours only for X dollars today"

What the...?How is it possible to make this sum of money such fast and what is his secret that he shares with you in his report?

When you finish reading this report, you realize that all this guy did is just sent direct e-mail promotion to his list he had about specific product and that's it.
Now he tries to pull his back-end promotion of his next product to you about Building List.Do you see his mind set and marketing approach here?Smart i would say.

But it is likely that some of those people who bought that ebook feel they have been SCAMMED and ask for a refund, while others realize that having LIST is a critical aspect in your online business to be in touch with customers and to make backend sales.This is all internet marketing system.

This is my point of view and what about you friends?

The Google Black Book - It's time to finally open up your eyes in affiliate marketing...

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