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The Secret and the Bible
7/25/2007 1:37:06 PM

I'm getting several questions concerning God Manifesting what we want verses Peoples having the ability "Law of Attraction" to create anything on their own. Everyone's beliefs are extremely important to me.  I love hearing peoples beliefs and views.  If several people ask me a question about the bible, Religion, Mythology, Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Shinto, Judaism, Islam, or Christianity I would post the information, or knowledge that I have obtained on that question. It's up to each individual to take it in, meditate on it, and decide if that coincides with them. 

I say co-creation because if you believe in energy, or Gods Spirit, or anything, there is no creation if we do not exist. (Co-creation) God gave us free will.  We can chose to not create with him, or co-create, and allow him to manifest things in our lives. I understand, and respect why the secret/law of attraction offends some people's. They feel it is very disrespectful to believe anyone can manifest their dreams without God. 

I have a question for you; when you want something, happiness, love, a home for your family, so on, do you ask for this in prayer?  If you do, do you believe God will just manifest it, or is it your actions and God's Spirit that will Manifest it?

April Corbitt Life Coach 619-442-1341