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Re: Join the Welcome Wagon !
7/6/2007 7:04:12 PM

Hello  Everyone

     Welcome to Adlandpro it has so many ways you can make money but most of all you get to me a bunch of great people.  I sell clothing and clothing accessories.  I do welcome all newcomers and let my store dress you.

Providing The Right Fashion David Thrower CEO
Nick Sym

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Re: Join the Welcome Wagon !
7/6/2007 8:00:52 PM

Hello Dear Linda!

I send this out to every new person that comes to the "Welcome Wagon" and I bet some of you recognize it:

Welcome My New Friend,

It is my pleasure to truly wish you a very memorable experience here at Adland! Here you will find a place where you can make many new friends who are trying to advertise their business and also many forums to put a smile on your face. We have humor, religion and interesting discussion groups that I am sure will keep you entertained. I welcome you aboard and God Bless!


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Helen Prowd

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Re: Join the Welcome Wagon !
7/6/2007 8:03:16 PM
Hi everyone,
Thank you Linda for inviting me to join the welcome wagon Helen
H. Prowd
Steven Suchar

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Re: Join the Welcome Wagon !
7/6/2007 8:31:39 PM
"Thank You Linda"

A Warm Welcome To AdlandPro...

Please Invite Me To Be Your Friend. lol.
