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Come Congratulate AdlandPro's Person Of The Week (POTW) Number 101!!!
7/1/2007 11:47:17 AM

Person of the Week    NUMBER 101!!! Person of the Week

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Greetings To Everyone At AdlandPro From John Sanchez and Pauline Raina!

It’s time again for my favorite project of the week and that is the Feature of The Week! It is my favorite project because you folks and the POTW’s of the week make it a very special event. We are all so fortunate to be a part of this community that is made up of so many friendly and talented people. Thank you so much for your support and for making thist event so special. Love and Blessings to you all! John R. Sanchez


POTW forum Partners Pauline Raina and John Sanchez




The reason the Feature of the Week forum was created was to honor people who have a positive influence on this community. To qualify the person has to be an active member and one who contributes to the positive atmosphere here AdlandPro. Here are the criteria for nominating a member for the Feature of the Week (also referred to as the Person of the Week, POTW). This criterion can be seen at the site below:


How Do I Get Selected as Person of the Week?


To be chosen as Person of the week you:


• Are highly visible on the community

• Are always seen as respectful, professional, and helpful.

• Must be nominated for the program by another member of the   Community and voted on by other members.

• Must have a real photo of themselves on their profile.

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This week's POTW is another awesome lady we have come to love and respect, her name is Katheryn Haigler. Katheryn is very active in community and her warm and helpful nature has won her the much sought after Person of the Week award. Congratulations Katheryn! Enjoy your week on the center stage of AdlandPro!


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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket  Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Here's Katheryn's Bio:


John and Pauline,


Thank you so much for your hard work.  I know that running a forum is work!  It is like a child that needs to be entertained all day long.   You are constantly tweaking, thinking about what you are going to do next to keep it entertained and what will happen if you don’t!  You are such a blessing to all of Adland.


More than you want to know


I was born in Wichita Kansas on December 19, 1964.  I have two older sisters, two older brothers, two younger sisters and a younger brother.  Because of divorce in the family, I have been the oldest, the middle and the youngest in my short lifetime and sometimes count myself as an only child because I was never totally related to any of my brothers and sisters!  My parents had the wonderful job of melding three different groups of children and making a marriage work.

 We grew up  in rural Kansas on ten acres surrounded by another 100.  Our nearest neighbors were at least a half mile with the next ones a mile away.  I grew up talking to the cows, they never talk back, they’re not bossy and always have an ear for you.  We were very poor and lived where we did because we could rent it for $35. a month!  We loved the place however and eventually bought it.  My parents have lived there for close to 40 years they built a new house in the late 70’s because a fire destroyed the old one.

All my parents instilled in their children a life skill.  Mom made sure all of us knew how to sew, cook, clean and upholster.  My step dad taught us honesty and morals and lived it before us everyday.  My natural dad is the king of merchandising, from a young age we worked in his retail stores  he managed  and learned all aspects of the job.

Mom and Dad sent us to church even if they were working Sundays.  God was my refuge.  Life as a child of divorce was hard.  There were fights every day with your siblings that really had nothing to do with you but your parents.  I could somewhat empathize with Joseph’s brothers when they put him in the well.  Jacob did choose favorites and it was based on whose mother they had.  If I were to ever form a group it would be PAD.  Parents Against Divorce.   Educate yourselves on how to choose a mate, stay in the word of God and in a good church,  communicate and work through your problems.  Things happen especially in this day and age of over medication but we could eliminate a lot of divorce if people worked at marriage.

My first (only) husband and I have four children.  We have three boys 14-17 and one girl 11.  I spend 24/7 with them because we homeschool and work together.  Our children work with us on rentals, metal scrapping, car hauling and repair, Jerky Direct and work around the home.  Most days they are a blessing but some days they are like their father.  JUST KIDDING!

Our children are also very active with us in our local Baptist Church.  Our life is centered around the Lord and our church and church family.  We know that without God our life would be a shambles.  We know where we have come from in our spiritual walk and that we have a long way to go.  Our salvation is secure but we are not close to walking like the savoir yet.

Adland has been a wonderful experience for me.  I started a forum thinking it might last a week and here almost a year later it is thriving and flourishing.  I have made friends here that I  love dearly.  From friendship we have formed a team that works together, promotes together and shares fun and profit.  We were all out there working on our own when Linda Harvey, Amanda Shaver and Sharon Lee brought us together in Jerky Direct.

The experience has been a lot of fun.  We have gone from no downline  to seeing people join almost everyday.  The Jerky product is hormone free and fresh,  the skincare line is toxin free and the team work is priceless.

We have two different teams depending on what you are interested in.  One line promotes the Jerky and one the Omega Three skincare and supplements.  The links below are to Linda Harvey.  Once you sign we are able to move you to our downline that needs signups. 

Jerky Team

Radiance Team
Team Work makes the Dream Work

Katheryn Haigler

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Folks, it's time to congratulate Katheryn for having won this week's POTW award. Please invite her to join your list of friends if she isn't already on it.

Katheryn, it's so good to see you here as our feature of the week! Congrats on being our Person of the Week and Queen of AdlandPro!  ;-)

You deserve it! Enjoy!  :-)

Today is a new and glorious day for you!  8)

© Copyrighted 2007 John R. Sanchez

Love and Blessings to all of you from,


John Sanchez and Pauline Raina

Folks, if you haven't voted for the coming POTW award (number 102) you still can at:

Pauline Raina

4108 Posts
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Re: Come Congratulate AdlandPro's Person Of The Week (POTW) Number 101!!!
7/1/2007 11:49:34 AM
Wow John,

Awesome  work partner !!!!

To Katheryn,


blessings always

Pauline R
Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: Come Congratulate AdlandPro's Person Of The Week (POTW) Number 101!!!
7/1/2007 12:04:49 PM

Shall I say say Congratulations to KAtheryn or to the NEW LOOK of the froum.
Very nice indeed. More professional and the sun set is a seal there.

Joh and Pauline

You deserve this honour.
Give us a lucky new step in to
the NEW AGE you just start
A dream of yours is fullfilled
More work is waiting
To be volumnteer means
Good Will and more work

ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
Ted Kusie

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Re: Come Congratulate AdlandPro's Person Of The Week (POTW) Number 101!!!
7/1/2007 12:05:03 PM



God Bless Your Success! Ted Kusie Your Adland Friend Winnipeg, Canada Here is Your Money!
Joe Downing

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Re: Come Congratulate AdlandPro's Person Of The Week (POTW) Number 101!!!
7/1/2007 12:07:39 PM
Hello John and Pauline... very nice new look of the forum.  Of course as always... outstanding goes to you.

!!! Congratulations !!!

Katheryn it is about time to have you featured.  You have a story that shows very well why you are such a special friend.  I very much enjoy the HOTSEATs that you create.  Everyone loves to hear the sizzle.  I hope you enjoy your week of being in the light... Well done!!!!

***ADLAND BULLETIN BOARD*** What is Xtreme X2O? ###Get some X2O and Jerky RADICAL for the TRUTH! Laus Deo! ** HUG DEPARTMENT: Always OPE

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