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Welcome to AdlandPro's 98th Person of the Week (POTW) forum!!!
6/10/2007 9:18:35 PM

o~o~o~o~o~o~o~o~o~oPerson of the Week  o~o~o~o~o~o~o~o~o~o

o~o~o~o~o~o~o~o~o~oPerson of the Week  o~o~o~o~o~o~o~o~o~o

Greetings To Everyone At AdlandPro From John Sanchez and Pauline Raina!

It’s time again for my favorite project of the week and that is the Feature of The Week! It is my favorite project because you folks and the POTW’s of the week make it a very special event. We are all so fortunate to be a part of this community that is made up of so many friendly and talented people. Thank you so much for your support and for making thist event so special. Love and Blessings to you all! John R. Sanchez


POTW forum Partners Pauline Raina and John Sanchez




The reason the Feature of the Week forum was created was to honor people who have a positive influence on this community. To qualify the person has to be an active member and one who contributes to the positive atmosphere here AdlandPro. Here are the criteria for nominating a member for the Feature of the Week (also referred to as the Person of the Week, POTW). This criterion can be seen at the site below:


How Do I Get Selected as Person of the Week?


To be chosen as Person of the week you:


• Are highly visible on the community

• Are always seen as respectful, professional, and helpful.

• Must be nominated for the program by another member of the   Community and voted on by other members.

• Must have a real photo of themselves on their profile.



It is with great pleasure that we introduce to you our 98th Person of the Week, Dee Hudson from the UK. This lovely lady inspires us all with her tenacity to follow her dreams. She is definitely a Go-getter, with that said, we will let you enjoy her bio. Dee, Congratulations, you are indeed very deserving of this award. Enjoy your time in the spotlight, you are special, and we so appreciate you, its members like you that make this community a special place to be. Congrats once again!! ;-)

Pauline Raina


Here's Dee's Bio:

First I would like to thank the POTW organisers John & Pauline and all the People that take time out to vote for this award. It would not be possible without you. When I realised I was the winner I was elated.  

I would also like to thank Steen Laursen for introducing me to ALP. Steen has been a good friend and mentor from the start of my online business.

My Early life

I was born in Bromley, Kent, UK. I lived in the borough of Lewisham, London, until the age of 13. Then my dad retired so we all moved to a tiny village in the hart of Berkshire, called Charvill. I loved it there, but sadly Mum & Dad decided 2 years later, that it would be hard for my sister and I to get jobs, so all of us moved back to London.

I have always wanted to work with fabrics; so I applied and was accepted onto a Degree Course at university studying BA textiles. But I also wanted to buy a house with my boyfriend / (later husband.) So I dropped out of school and found a job in the local curtain & soft furnishings shop.  I wanted to expand my knowledge of fabrics and moved into the fashion industry, the fur trade to be more exact. As you can imagine it was not the best place to be with the protests in the 80’s I went back to the safe option of Curtains and Interiors. I studied for my City & Guilds in Soft Furnishings & Interior Design, whilst working in the industry. The firm I worked for was responsible for doing the complete interiors if all the Whitbread Public Houses in the UK. It meant that I got to go out on the road Dressing and Installations etc While  the Kids were young I worked mainly at home Freelance  in any thing that I could do sewing, party plan, sales, and bar work.


I lead a very busy life these days, I have two boys Connor aged 14, David aged 19. My partner John and I met nearly 5 years ago, John has been a tower of strength to me; we met just months before my Mum died of Cancer. John was there for me and has been everyday through ups and downs.

We took on Newsagents as management for just over a year.  But sadly we found out that the company was not the best to work for, so decided to leave. After that we both decided to further our ambitions to return to education, in the quest for a more fulfilling life together. John is training as a Councillor Currently At university Studying BSC in Physiology.

I on the other hand have completed 2 years at BTEC level in Art and Design and also ‘A’ Level Fine Art. I am in my second year at University working towards BA Applied & Decorative Arts. YES fulfilling my dreams at last. I am Training to be what is called a Fibre Artist, Which is creating Sculptures and paintings using Fabrics as the main Medium.  It’s been hard work I struggle with English, I was diagnosed with sever Dyslexia this year, but am now getting help from my tutors in university.

I am registered disabled; I have spinabiffida, arthritis, and celiac disease. As a result of this and the fact that I suffered abuse as a child I have suffered bouts of deep depression. To combat this I have thrown myself into working to build a better life for my self and my family.  

My Online Business

It’s been 3 years since I explored setting up a business on line. As always I have thrown my self into it hook line and sinker. I am the type of person that will not quit till I have mastered the task at hand and perfected it.  Some say that I am too overpowering, But my motto is if a job is worth doing then its worth doing well.

With that in mind I have read through and worked with numerous online businesses, sorting out the chaff from the wheat. I try to attend as many training seminars as I can, and read e-books on different aspects of the business. I know that I am happiest when I am helping others; I am building up my knowledge so I can teach others to do the same. The majority of my online businesses are tool and resources orientated, with a good training structure based at the heart of the business.

BBS Global

I am a Trainer for the BBS Global ECommerce system

BBS Global is the most modern and innovative shopping & ECommerce experience ever created. Using the latest technology, BBS Global has created a universal platform that brings together Manufacturers, Merchants, Consumers, Non-Profit Organizations, and many other groups, virtually the World Wide Web's only "Closed User Buying Group" or "Corporate Network" that rewards everyone. Start earning cash today from the things you would normally buy online. Merchants begin selling here to earn cash from the things you would normally sell online! FREE! - No joining fee to begin shopping, Cash Rewards and Discounts. Rewards when achieved can’t be lost. Discount before they are released to the public.

Visit My Shop Dee Has It

New Diamond Elite Training for LEADERS OF the Future

This is one of the hottest new businesses on the web. The BBS Global Diamond elite employ a unique Tri-poly mechanism for its business growth. This is a brand new business model never seen before in online marketing. Take my word for it get involved.

Diamond Elite registration applications are available here: Register today

http:/ / www. bbsglobal-diamond-elite. com/ application. php


I am a Trainer at Veretekk and Also Master Distributor of the Vereconference WEB CONFERENCE ROOM

We all work as a team promoting each others business. Working with the newest members till they feel confident to go and train others. 

As a Gold Member you will have the opportunity to use all of these portals to promote your business.

VeretekkAffiliate Site 1st Classifieds Big Kahuna Blogfather Blastomatic Computer Giveaway Daily Message Online eTracking FFA Farm Free FFAs Free-Mart Free Page Money Machine Sohomatic Spam Wars Vacation 4 Free Veremail Veretracking WebCatch ISP-4-FREE Leadsomatic VereConference Veretekk Downunder


You can contact me

Dee Hudson

Skype: deehudson

Tel: +441634407177


Quikonnex: deesincomebuilder


Ok folks, now you know Dee a lot better from her great bio, invite her to be your friend, that’s if she’s not one already. Dee your time is now to reign as our Queen, so have loads of fun and enjoy your friends. We wish you well in all that you do!!  :-)


Love and Blessings to all of you from,


John Sanchez and Pauline Raina




Go vote for the 99th Person of the Week and go see who won the VOTW awards!:

Pauline Raina

4108 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Re: Welcome to AdlandPro's 98th Person of the Week (POTW) forum!!!
6/10/2007 9:21:49 PM
Thanks John, we do have an awesome winner here !!!

To Dee,



Loads of love

Pauline R

La Nell !

3647 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Re: Welcome to AdlandPro's 98th Person of the Week (POTW) forum!!!
6/10/2007 9:27:37 PM

Hi Pauline & John, :-) Congrats Queen Dee! LaNell       

Re: Welcome to AdlandPro's 98th Person of the Week (POTW) forum!!!
6/10/2007 9:33:23 PM

Hello Pauline!  :-)


Thank you for helping me with the intro's to these last two forums. You have been a big blessing my friend!



You deserve this honor! Enjoy your POTW week as our Queen of AdlandPro!


John Sanchez

If I’m not on your friends list please invite me!

John 13:34 (Whole Chapter)
"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.

John 13:35 (Whole Chapter)
By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."

Jeffrey Schultz

224 Posts
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Re: Welcome to AdlandPro's 98th Person of the Week (POTW) forum!!!
6/10/2007 10:07:38 PM

Woo Hoo

Congratulations on the

POTW award.




Jeffrey Schultz Don't wait for your ship to come in, swim out and meet it.

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