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Re: Success is going from failure to failure without...
6/6/2007 11:34:01 PM
Hi Bogdan,

Enthusiasm is what helps move a person closer to his goal
in  a shorter amount of time.

I see it happen in my life and in the lives of  others.

Have a prosperous day!

Kathy Hamilton

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Re: Success is going from failure to failure without...
6/6/2007 11:37:38 PM
Hello Bogdan,
Like  the saying goes, if you first do not succeed keep trying till you do. Never give up,All the failure I have come from and yes I have come from failure I keep on  and never looked back,I kept my eye on the hurricane and I over came it.I did not let failure rule my life. Now I can say yes I succeeded the first level. now I get to succeed at the next step.
Did you see my success???My brand new House???
Just been built 2 weeks.

believe it and go after it.
Kathy Hamilton/
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking

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