
Drbob Siegman

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Re: Success is a lousy teacher...
7/14/2005 10:35:41 AM
Hi Bogdan, Your quote today reminds me of the AVIS car rental company. Remember them, their motto was, "Being number 2, We try harder" Then for a period of time they did make it to # 1 which made they very complacent thinking they had all the answers, which in turn tumbled them down to #3. So don't just try to be the best, always strive to be better than the best (even when the best might be you).
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Kathy Hamilton

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Re: Success is a lousy teacher...
7/14/2005 11:44:03 AM
Hello Bogdan, Great Qoute,always there to give us food for thought,kathy
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
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Re: Success is a lousy teacher...
7/14/2005 12:37:26 PM
Hi, Lol, This is a nice quote of the day. Dainty
Dainty Heavenly
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Re: Success is a lousy teacher...
7/14/2005 5:16:09 PM
Nice quote, haven't had that problem yet. Looking forward to the day that I do. Cheers
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Glo Williams

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Re: Success is a lousy teacher...
7/14/2005 5:20:06 PM
Hello Boddan, Thanks for the invite, I'll think on this one. Glo
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