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Personal Development
6/1/2007 12:55:15 PM

Hi Everyone!

I am a newbie to Network Marketing and just started my own Network Marketing Biz three weeks ago and I'm loving it!

As recommended by my sponsor, right away I started personal development.  Personal Development meaning, doing something positive right at the beginning of your day before you go out into the world.  It could be reading books to further your financial education, taking a course to learn different thought processes or attending a seminar on how to find your why.

I do this on a daily basis and I have found that not only does it help with the biz, but it also helps with all the other aspects of my life as well.  By investing in myself on a daily basis, I have started new thought processes I have never had before.  I have noticed a change in attitude as well and view the world differently.  And I am learning things about myself that I never knew before which I find odd since I'm in my adult years.  I had no idea just how "programmed" I was.

Is anyone else doing personal development?  How is is going for you?  Have you noticed a change in yourself and/or your biz?  Just curious about other's thoughts on this.


Re: Personal Development
6/6/2007 1:44:27 PM

Personal development is important for every aspect of your life and business. I start each day with a coffe and a personal development book. It can be as simple as reading for 15 minutes or listening to an audio while you get ready for your day. I like doing my personal development in the morning it sets the tone for my day. Right now I'm reading a book titled The Other 90%-How to unlock your potential for Leadership and life by Robert Cook I highly recommend it along side Think and Grow Rick by Napoleon Hill and The Slight edge by Jeff Olsen. Keep up the good work!


Jen Buscher

14 Posts
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Re: Personal Development
6/20/2007 11:06:13 AM
Personal Development is so important in any business, but I feel it is especially important in Network Marketing.  I have found The Secret, and spiritual marketing to be a wonderful way to work in this business.  Its so wonderful to allow prosperity into our lives, and stop chasing it around.


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